Another Drabble written for the Slash_Challenge

May 11, 2004 13:23

Pairing: Remus/Severus
Word Count: Poem: 45 words; Drabble after: 248 words
Rating: PG
Scenario: Remus reflects on Sirius's death whilst looking through his Pensieve, and while he looks, he discovers how much emotion he had for Snape as he stood through all the terrible hexes and troubles James and Sirius put him through.
Special Tasks: Before your drabble, you must have a 45 word poem based on what your story is about. Then you write your drabble to explain your poem. If you don't understand that, comment and I'll explain!


Long forgotten memories swivel in the disregarded Pensieve,

Through which he recalls his past in a moment of unadulterated grief.

A stolen kiss stirs in him raw emotions, leaving his soul in turmoil,

In the dungeons, the chains constricting his heart will at last uncoil.



A year passed from the last time I saw your face. My heart is still aching. I’m battling with myself - what if I take a last look?

Forgotten memories float inside the Pensieve. My need is so much to see your face again that I plunge into the first memory, which has just emerged from the mist.

“Snivellus, what happened to your greasy hair?”

“Leave him alone Sirius!”

“Remy, why are you defending him? He’s a bloody Death Eater!”

“James, you should be ashamed of yourself! What would Lily say if she sees you?”

“If I didn’t know you, I’d swear you have feelings for him!”


“Let’s go inside James. Let’s leave him to comfort the sniveling Slytherin.”


“Severus, I’m sorry for…”


Another memory emerges to the surface and a similar incident is occurring. This time, he lets me comfort him - He cries on my shoulder, broken like a child, he tells me that if it wasn’t for me he’d be expelled. He wanted to hex them with a curse he’d just learnt - I was his only friend, he continues, and then he direct his obsidian dazzling eyes to mine and kisses me passionately.

I leave the Pensieve shaken. Without realizing, ‘Severus’ escapes from my lips, the memory of the kiss brought back such a raw emotion to my numbed heart, that I almost - almost forgot about Sirius. I stand up and head straight to the dungeons maybe - maybe, not everything is lost….

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