Fan fiction update:

Apr 23, 2004 10:14

Updating the fanfic....

As usual It's a PG-13 and Pairings HP/SS ....

Betad by asmini

Disclaimer: The genius behind Harry Potter is J.K Rowling. I’m only borrowing the characters. No profit etc made.
Beta: I’m highly in debt to Firesword, who had the patience to Beta the chapters. Thanks a lot, you’re amazing!


* * Harry’s thoughts

~ ~ Snape’s thoughts

When the post arrived, an unfamiliar black owl swept towards the Gryffindor table, in Harry’s direction. With a smug expression, it extended its leg. Harry took it and unfolded a tiny roll of parchment.  It read:

Dear Mr. Potter,

Due to recent events, the Headmaster has asked me to resume the Occlumency lessons. Meet me at 10.30am in my office.

Professor Snape

After reading the note, Harry’s heart skipped a beat. It was just his second day at school and he already had to face Snape. The man that haunted his dreams. The man that gave him inspiration. The man he thought was a draped mystery, waiting to be unwrapped, to reveal the hidden soul.  The soul that Harry decided to discover, even if it was the last thing he’d do.

When he offered the owl a piece of his sandwich, the owl looked affronted and flew away towards the high table and landed in front of the mentioned professor.  A pair of obsidian eyes looked up at Harry - the same eyes that enchanted the audience at the theatre - and the emerald-eyed wizard found himself drawn into the vast depths of that penetrating look.

----------------- Flashback-----------------

The curtains were re-drawn and when Harry’s gaze fell upon the new setting, he gasped... The scenery and decorations had changed, and ironically enough the new setting now looked more like the dungeons now. It was Harry’s favorite scene, the famous Hamlet’s soliloquy, which he knew by heart.

The lights dimmed and an elegant Snape walked into the scene, grabbing a skull, which was situated on top of a grave and his baritone velvety voice resounded clearly in the theatre.

“To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune;
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action..”

When the speech ended, Harry had tears in his eyes. It was perfect. The lights, the expression, the emotion behind his voice...

----------------- End of Flashback-----------------

“Harry!” called an exasperated Hermione.

“What?” the raven-haired teenager snapped back.

“It’s the third time I’m calling your name! What’s wrong with you lately? ... Never mind,” she said quickly after looking at his annoyed expression, “wasn’t that Professor Snape’s owl?”

“Yes, it was,” he replied, relieved she that didn’t inquire about his sudden far away look, “He said that I need to resume the Occlumency lessons. Oh no, don’t give me that piteous look, this time I agree with Dumbledore. I still can’t forgive myself for not saving Justin last year. This time I’ll be prepared. This time Voldemort will find steel in his teeth.”

----------------- Flashback-----------------

During the night:

He was dreaming again. He was walking through a derelict house, talking to someone.

“Come here my, faithful friend,” he croaked

“Yesss massster….” A hissing voice replied

“How is our guest doing?”

“He’ss quite an interesssting sssubject… Firssst he ssaysss he’sss not friends with the Potter boy, then he saysss that he’ss going to ssave him.”

“Interesting indeed. Now all we have to do is to wait for our savior to make his awaited appearance.”

The day after:

As soon as Harry woke, he didn’t even bother to change his pajamas; he ran straight towards Dumbledore’s office and started guessing the password. When he got desperate enough, the Gargoyle decided to move and the stairway leading to the Headmaster’s office appeared. He skipped the steps and when he spotted the old wizard he cried,

“Professor, they … they got Justin! They are …are keeping him in the…”

“Calm down my dear child. Take some deep breaths, yes that’s good. Now, after you calm yourself I want you to tell me exactly what you’ve heard… or seen.”

Five minutes passed and Harry finally managed to calm his breathing enough to start explaining about his dream, about how he saw Voldemort keeping Justin Finch-Fletchley to lure him out to save him. He described the house he saw, which was the one he once accidentally Flooed in, a house that was situated in Hogsmeade.

“Now Harry, haven’t you learned from last year’s unfortunate accident at the Ministry of Magic? Mr. Finch-Fletchley … is safe and sound, probably in his common room chatting with his friends. Now off you go and don’t worry Harry…”

“No! I saw him, I swear!” injected agitatedly Harry.

“Harry, if Mr. Finch-Fletchley was abducted from Hogwarts the wards would have alerted us. We’ll check if he’s all right but there’s no need to be alarmed. Go now and stop worrying.”

----------------- End of Flashback-----------------

If only Dumbledore believed him! If only he was courageous enough to go by himself!
He suddenly felt angry. Angry for Justin, for Dumbledore, for himself. Angry, because of the damned prophecy. His eyes flashed, and fire blazed in his eyes, but was dimmed with the tears that started accumulating.

Dumbfounded, Hermione was left to ponder about Harry’s reaction as he left the Great Hall.

He headed straight to the Owlery and found Hedwig napping. When he managed to rouse her, he attached a note to her leg, on which he had scribbled earlier:

Professor McGonagall,

I’d like to take the Drama class together with Quidditch. About the Captain position you’ve mentioned last year, I’m very sorry to decline. I think Ron would be ecstatic to take the role of the team’s captain. As you might know this year I have to resume the Occlumency lessons, which added with Drama, Quidditch and the N.E.W.Ts will take all my resources. Thanks for the offer. I really appreciate it.

Harry Potter

“Hedwig, please take this note to Professor McGonagall,” he instructed “and then you can go hunting.”

Once his owl disappeared from sight, Harry made his way towards the dungeons, where he had an appointment with Professor Snape to discuss the Occlumency lessons.

A few meters away from Snape’s office, he heard someone yelling.

“- told you I won’t work for you!” shouted an irritated Snape. “How many times do I have to say it? I don’t act for fame - I’m not like the people you’re recruiting.”

When the noise subsided, Harry knocked on the greenish solid door, which was ajar, and entered the office without waiting for the formal invitation to come in.

At first he thought he was having one of his usual dreams but, after realizing he was blushing like a little girl, he recovered some of his senses and absorbed the sight that was greeted him.

Professor Snape was still talking with someone on the phone. What left Harry dazzled was not because of the fact that Snape was using a common Muggle device. No. It was the fact that Snape was currently in a semi nude state and was quite wet. His only clothing was a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still dripping with water, clinging to his face. He looked like one of those wet calendar men that Harry once saw at the Burrow in Fred and George’s room.

Change of perspective:

Professor Snape was brewing the pain numbing potion Madam Pomfrey requested the night before at dinner, but his mind wasn’t thinking about the ingredients or how many times he had to stir the cauldron. He was thinking about the last conversation he had with his friend, Robert Simpleton, who happens to be a professional theatre actor.

Oh yes … for those who didn’t notice, Professor Snape is also an actor. He’s simply a complicated man, quite contradictory, isn’t it?

No one has ever understood his reserved nature. Every time someone tried to get to know him, he recoiled in himself like a snail hiding in his shell. Not even the greatest wizard of Wizarding Britain, Albus Dumbledore managed to crack that hard shell. The Slytherin showed only his bitter side, which developed with years of family problems, school bullying and Death Eater activities.

The other side, the one that none knew about, was the side which Harry glimpsed in the theatre, a side which the Gryffindor came to appreciate. The Potions Master’s artistic side.

Some people thought that his life was wholly dedicated to potions and spying, but these people didn’t even have an idea that the real Severus Snape is a passionate audience bewitcher. Severus discovered drama when he lived for a year in Muggle London. It was one of his most difficult times……

He had just graduated from Hogwarts, his father forced him to take the Dark Mark and his boyfriend, with whom he was foolishly in love with, betrayed him for another wizard. He was scared and he had just witnessed one of the Death Eater’s meetings. A young girl was killed after hours of torture just because she was Muggle born.

With all these troubles in mind, he ran away straight into Dumbledore’s arms. The old man helped him rent an apartment in Hogsmeade, which happened to be near a drama instructing school for wizards, to hide him from his father.
During the working week, he went to Hogwarts, where the previous potions master thought him the subtle art of potion making. The other days he spent them in the Hogsmeade, learning drama and acting, putting all his energy, frustration and emotions on the stage.

He left his apartment when his father died, and took permanent residence in Hogwarts. He continued to go once a week to the rehearsals and performed during the summer. He had to reintegrate into the Dark Lord’s ranks, which was a very hard task but with his new mastery in potions, he managed to cope. And so the double life of Professor Snape continued.

Now, let’s go back to his latest conversation with his friend, Robert Simpleton.
He’d just told him that a new theatrical company was opening and most of their fellow actors were leaving the theatrical company they worked for, Starlights production, since the new company promised larger income and fame to its members.
His musings were disrupted when the potion he was making turned into an angry red color and started bubbling furiously. In a blink of an eye Severus found himself soaked with the boiling potion. He ran into the shower, undressed and started the cold water, thanking the gods for his special toxic-repelling robes.

While in the shower, the phone rang. Cursing, he stopped the water, wrapped a towel around his waist and stalked out of his chamber into his office, where the phone was situated. ~Why didn’t I install the phone in my chambers, dammit! ~

It was one of the representatives of the new company. He used all the possible approaches to convince Snape to join the new company and after ten minutes, the ebony-haired wizard grew aggravated.

“Listen, I’m not leaving the Starlight productions, its part of my life, full stop, end of conversation.”

“But, Mr. Snape, we’re currently in need of a great actor like you! The ones who are joining our company all tell us that you’re one of the best actors in England. We need you. With our company you’ll be more famous than…”

“I told you I won’t work for you!” shouted an irritated Snape, “How many times do I have to say it? I don’t act for fame - I’m not like the people you’re recruiting.”

With that last angry statement, he slammed the receiver and took a few calming breaths. Then he dialed his friend’s number.

While he was talking with Robert, telling him about the last call he received from the company’s representative, a green-eyed raven haired boy, burst into the office. It was none other than the Golden Boy, Harry Potter, who seemed to have grown into a beautiful young man.
~Did I say beautiful? … This isn’t happening. No. No... Merlin! Wonder what he looks like without those glasses… Snap out of it, Severus! You’re standing almost naked in front of your student, thinking about how gorgeous he’s become! Gorgeous? Did I say … ~

“Mr. Potter, who gave you the permission to enter my office?” he demanded, thanking the Gods for sounding in control of the situation.


“Potter, stop staring and answer me!” ~ Staring Severus? Shhh ~

“Umm. . . no one sir” Harry answered meekly, not able to hide his traitorous blush.

“I guessed so,” Snape sneered, “feeling important, aren’t we? Thinking we don’t need permissions to do what we want. Hmm?”

“Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to disturb - I - I’ll just go then” The Gryffindor stammered, turning to flee from the room.

“Stop where you are! Give me a little time to dress - I’ll just be right back to discuss your Occlumency lessons. Sit.”

Belatedly, he addressed the phone, “I’ll call you later, Rob. Bye.” Then he hurried towards his chamber, from a door on the rear of the office.

Change of Perspective:

Harry sat obediently, and tried to stifle a groan. *Why did I have to face such an absurd situation? I bet Ron would die with laughter if I tell him….*

After fifteen minutes, Professor Snape appeared in his traditional black robes. His hair was surprisingly tied to the back of his head, giving full view of his handsome face. * Did I just think handsome?*

“Now, Mr. Potter, before we discuss the Occlumency lessons, I want you to promise me to not tell anyone about the little accident we just had. Do we understand each other?” When Harry nodded he continued, “As I already told you, the Headmaster saw fit to resume the Occlumency lessons. I myself agreed with him this time. Last year’s accident was quite unfortunate. This time however, I won’t tolerate bravados from your part and you’ll do exactly what I tell you. The first time I hear you complain, I’ll personally hand you to the Dark Lord. Do you understand?”

“Yes, but …”

“No buts. Yes or no?”

“Yeah, OK. Understood”

“That’s a good boy” replied sarcastically Snape

“I’m not a boy!” the teenager flared.

“My, my, I see your temper hasn’t changed. That’s another thing I’ll not tolerate.”


“About the lessons… did you get your timetable?”

“No, I still don’t have one. Professor McGonagall is still arranging it to fit the extra subjects.”

“Ah yes, the new subjects, I forgot! Then, send me a copy of your new timetable immediately after you receive it. Now also I want you to go to the library - give this note to Madame Pince, and read the first chapters of the book she’ll give you.” Then the professor handed a note, which read:

I, Professor Snape, give Harry Potter the authorization to borrow the following book from the restricted section.

Mind Messing techniques by Brian Brainy
1850’s edition

Professor Snape

“Go now, and I want you to be prepared for the first lesson.”

“Yes Sir, thank you.”


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