Yupp yupp third chappie

Apr 15, 2004 14:51

Ah finally I found a good layout and color, again thanks to sstar_luna , hey ppl I want to be your friend *whines* lol kk Just thought I'd post the third chappie today....Is someone reading it? Duh!

I just can't wait for the next Harry Potter movie!! Have you seen who is acting as Sirius? Take a look at this;                       

it's Gary Oldman, Gorgeous isn't he? Hmm I was thinking Hugh Jackman could have made a wonderful Sirius but this Gary Oldman is awesome as well. Have you seen him in Brahms Stocker Dracula? Brilliant Actor!

Ah was forgetting here's the third chapter:

Authors note: For disclaimer and warnings see previous chapters.


The summer ended and with Ron and Hermione being prefects, Harry was now sitting alone in a compartment of the Hogwarts express. He wasn’t perturbed at all by this thing since he was enjoying a bit of time alone, listening to the CD player and reciting the parts.

He was currently reciting his favourite piece from King Lear when the sliding door opened and in walked Draco Malfoy with his two goonies.

Harry didn’t notice the sudden disruption and was still reciting when he heard laughter. As he looked up he saw three couching figures with eyes watering.

“Malfoy,” He spat “What’s so funny?” he inquired

“Scarhead has taken interest in acting,” Malfoy sneered “Planning on a new way to broaden your notoriety? Isn’t the title of Boy-Who-Lived enough?”

“Shut up, at least I don’t need to mock people to entertain myself,” he replied.

“Aspiring to be the next Shakespeare I see. Move along Crabbe, Goyle let’s leave Potterspeare alone”.

When the train stopped, Harry met Ron and Hermione outside and started walking towards the school. On the way towards the main entrance they met Hagrid that was gathering the first years.

“’Arry! How ar’ ya doin?! Look at ya! You’ve ‘ad a growin’ spurt!” His voice thundered after spotting Harry.

“Hargid! yeah so it seems, I had to buy new clothes this year, umm thanks for your cake, sorry I didn’t send back a thank you message but umm I sort of forgot” Harry shyly said. He was feeling guilty, how could he forget to send Hagrid a note!

“Don’t worry ‘arry, I know you must ‘a been occupied, ciya la’er then”

Harry guiltily watched his retreating back. Ah well. He was occupied with a lot of things such as thoughts of Snape. At this his stomach gave a flop, he must be in the great hall with the other teachers.

As soon as they arrived in the great hall, Harry’s gaze swept towards the head table where he saw the Potions master engaged in conversation with a new teacher, *Must be the new defense against the dark arts teacher* he thought.

Then he nodded to the headmaster, who was giving him his special twinkling look, and continued towards the Gryffindor table where nearly neckless nick was floating.

“Who is the teacher talking with Snape?” wondered Hermione.

“Well, clearly must be someone who don’t know who he’s talking to,” replied instantly Ron

“Harry why are you so silent?” He inquired

Harry was watching Malfoy, who was looking at him and laughing, mimicking an actor and the whole Slytherin table had tears of laughter in their eyes.

“Oh nothing, was thinking that this is the last year at Hogwarts that’s all. So what were you talking about?” he lied, ignoring the questioning looks his friends were giving him.

After the sorting the headmaster stood and started his usual beginning of term feast.

“Welcome once again to Hogwarts. As usual I have few announcements to make. This summer I went for a trip to Stockholm, were [where] I discovered a very tasty brand of chocolates called..”

“Albus! The real announcements!” Interrupted Professor McGonagall

“Ah yes, as tasty those chocolates were I think everyone is famished so I’ll cut short. As most of you know the forbidden forest is out of bounds, those who venture in the forest without permission will be expelled without warnings. Secondly, this year the stuff decided to add some new extra curricular activities. Since we’re all under the constant pressure of the dark lord, Voldemort” an audible gasp was heard from the students and staff, “we felt the need to provide some stress relieving activities.

Once the feast is over, go and take a look at the notice containing the list of the new subjects in the respective common rooms. For the fifth and seventh years, since they’re going to make important exams they’re not obliged to take any extra subjects. Also those who are in the Quidditch team, since Quidditch is considered as an extra curricular subject, they don’t need to choose another subject. For those who wish to take more than one, they’re more than welcome to do so. If you’re taking more than one, make sure there are no clashes between the subjects chosen.

And finally, I wanted to introduce you to the new defense against the dark arts teacher, Professor Matteus Donovan.”

As soon as those words were uttered, professor Donovan stood up and smiled pleasantly at the students.

“Oh no, not another Lockhart please!” grumbled Ron

Harry was observing the new teacher; he had shoulder length chestnut hair, and a pair of magnificent blue-green eyes. He was quite eye catching and the fact that he was talking to Professor Snape made Harry feel a pang of jealousy.

“That’s all. Tuck in!” finished Dumbledore and sat nodding towards the tables, which were now covered with all kinds of wizarding food.

Later after the feast, as predicted, when Harry arrived in the common room, he found himself squashed between eager students in front of the notice board, all excitedly reading the list of the new subjects.

When he managed to extricate himself from the crowd, he decided he’d take a look to the board later and headed straight to the dormitory. Since Ron and Hermione were occupied in a prefect meeting, Harry decided to dedicate some time to his poetry and fell peacefully asleep.

After a refreshing shower, Harry dressed and went in the common room to take a look at the notice board, wondering what the new subjects were that Dumbledore had spoken of during the Welcoming Feast.

The common room was still empty when he arrived. A flaming red notice caught his sight, it read;

All students except fifth and seventh are required to choose an extra curricular subject from the following list:







Write your preference on a piece of parchment and send it to your head of house. A confirmation owl should be sent together with your new time table.

Signed, Professor Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress.

“Hey mate, why didn’t you wait for me?,” came Ron’s sleep fogged voice from behind  “Ah you’re reading the notice, what you’d reckon?”

“Mornin’ Ron. Well I dunno, it sounds an interesting thing though.”

“Yeah especially Chess, I heard they’re planning a wizarding chess tournament! But the thing is that we have Quidditch as well, but I think I’ll still try Chess, I mean this is our last year it’s our only chance,”

“Hmm you’re right, umm actually I think, I mean … erm… I think I’m choosing Drama…”

“Drama! What?, Harry you should choose Chess! We’ll be together and I mean drama? You never said you ever acted or something,” Ron suddenly said.

“Hey guys what are you talking about?,” interrupted Neville.

“Morning Neville. We were talking about the extra curricular activities, Harry here said he wanted to take Drama,” replied Ron still giving Harry an incredulous look.

“So it’s true!,” Exclaimed Neville “What Malfoy’s been saying!”

“What’s that ferret up to now?” Said Harry, irritated

“He was saying that you took interest in acting; umm well he said that it’s just a plan to exploit your fame, but I’m sure you’re not looking for more notoriety, I mean you’re already famous...”

“Thanks for reminding me!” Harry replied angrily and headed out to the great hall muttering “bloody ferrets”.

The great hall was buzzing with students talking excitedly about the extra curricular activities.

As soon as Harry sat Hermione came hurriedly taking the seat next to him.

“Morning Herm.”

”Good morning!” said Hermione beaming.

“So, why are you so cheerful this morning?” he inquired.

“Oh I just signed up for the Choir, I always wanted to do something different and I love singing,” she said “Ron must be really happy about the chess club.”

“Yeah, he told me he already chose it.”

“And you? Did you find anything interesting?”

“Umm yeah, I was thinking on taking drama, you remember the CD player you sent?,” when Hermione nodded he continued “Well, Sirius sent some audio Cd’s; some of Shakespeare’s plays, and after listening to them I immediately loved them. So I think it will be a good experience trying drama. Acting sounds interesting and it’s, as Dumbledore said, a stress relieving experience,” He explained, leaving out the real reason why he thought acting was interesting; a reason involving a certain potions master.

“Oh that’s fantastic Harry! I reckon the headmaster had an amazing idea, can’t wait for the lessons to start!” she said happily.

The other Gryffindors soon joined them and the discussion continued until the head of house, Minerva McGonagall approached the table and with her penetrating voice she said, “Have everyone decided about the new subjects they are taking? I need to receive the note with your choice before dinner since I need to arrange the time tables for tomorrow”

“But it’s not fair,” Said a copper haired second year student, “I need more time to decide!”

“I’m sorry Ms. Patris, but unfortunately that’s how the things are, you can still change your chosen subject if you’re not satisfied with your choice. Enjoy your last day without lessons”

With a curt nod she left, leaving the Gryffindor table again bustling with students discussing the pros and cons of this strange new idea.


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