YAY! I heart surveys!

Jul 31, 2003 12:36

Yup, I stoled a wonderful survey from my J-chan. ^_^ Well, enjoy!

1. Name: Kamden
2. Location: Florida
3. School/mascot/colors: East Bay High / Indians but they're considering changing us to the Manatees (UGH!) because Indians is "Offensive". *Rolls eyes*
4. Zodiac sign: Aries
5. Shoe size: I wear 6 1/2 but my actual shoe size is five. I have tiny feet. >_<
6. Height: 5'6"
7. Eyes: Blue (I think they look really pretty)
8. Pets: I want a kitty or too.
9. Siblings: A little brother. I'm proud to say that when I was five and he was born, when I first saw him I asked "Do we have to keep him?". And I still feel that way. ~_^
10. Your mom and dads name: Liz. I have no dad.
11. Hair: Red-Blonde. People have thought I'm a redhead before. o_O
12. Hair length: Short, but I wanna grow it out.
13. Ever dyed your hair? Bleached. And I used Purple hair gel alot for a while. I need to get some more.
14. Are you good in school? Yup! ^_^
19.Nicknames: Engel (^_^), Bobby, Parlor, Kam Kam, Kamtaro, Kammy-chan, Kamadito, and Kamcom. Gotta love it.
20. Do you play sports? Unless you count swimming then no. I do like Soccer though for some reason.
21. Are you a night or a morning person? Night. I love the peaceful feeling even if I am afraid of the dark.
22. Are you ticklish? You bet your sweet whiskers.
23. Do you believe in God? No, but if someone can present me with undeniable scientific proof, or if some miraculous thing happened like the parting of the Red Sea, then I'd believe. I'm just too scientific minded for my own good sometimes.
24. What's your screenname? Phage.
25. Do you have braces? Nope. My teeth are pretty much straight.
26. Do you have glasses? Nope. I have 20/20 vision. I do have a pair of black horn-rimmed ones though that have fake lenses in them so they don't blur my vision, just because I look cute in them.
27. What do you want to be when you grow up? An actor, voice actor, or writer.
28. What was the worst day of your life? I don't remember the date. I was only three at the time.
29. What are the best days of your life? Right now. I have the most perfect boyfriend ever, my senior year is coming up and it's gonna rock, I have more friends than I've ever had in my life and I'm closer to them than ever before, and I just got my room redone so I can finally decorate it with anime stuff like I've always wanted to.
30. What comes first in your life? Justin.
31. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, and he's perfect.
32. What are you most scared of? Spiders, the dark, and losing the one I love.
33. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? How much I wanna walk up next to my true love.
34. If you could be anything without consequences, what would it be? Honestly, I don't know.

35. Movie: I have several faves. Offhand the best are Sleeping Beauty, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Hocus Pocus, and Fried Green Tomatoes.
36. Band/Group/Artist: Don't have one. I like all musical groups that I listen to equally.
37. Store: Virgin Records Megastore in Downtown Disney. They have VHS, DVD (From all genres including anime), CDs, Video Games, and a bookstore on the upper level that rivals Barnes and Noble.
38. Relative: Two. My Grandmother and my baby cousin Ethan. I don't really care for the rest of them.
39. Sport: Soccer, but only cuz I'm good at it. ;)
40. Vacation spot: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Paradise.
41. Ice cream flavor: Orange/Vanilla twist, Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, and if it counts Mango Sorbet. o_O
42. Fruit: Bannanas, apples, and sugared strawberries.
43. Candy: Pocky! I even collect the boxes. I've never thrown away a Pocky box.
44. Car: The one I have. :p
45. Class: Drama/Chorus. Either one is awesome.
46. Holiday: Christmas/Valentines Day. Same as Justin. ^_^
47. Day of the week: Saturday.
48. Color: Black, Purple, and Aqua/Teal. No I didn't just rip that off from Justin. It's true.
49. Magazine: Newtype.
50. Name for a girl: Idallas
51. Name for a boy: Maxamillian
52. Sports team: o_O I can't ever remember the names of any of the teams. I couldn't care less anyway.
53: Month: The summer months. I don't particularly like being out of school that long with nothing to do, but they're warm. I can't stand winter when it gets all cold.
54. Animal: Black Foxes. They're so pretty.
55. Saying: I love you. ^_^
56. Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Yup. I know how to spell it. I can even say it backwards. ^_^
57. Room in your house: Mine. It's the only warm place in the house.
58. Concert you have been to: Showcase of Showchoirs this year. We got to see a whole mess of awesome choirs and perform in it ourselves so yeah. It was awesome.
59. Meat: Ham.
60. Pizza topping: Meat Lovers with parmesean cheese. ^_^
61. State: Dunno. I love Florida because it's so warm year-round but California is so... Western. I dunno. I like both. Mainly because they have the two Disney theme parks. ^_^ But there are other reasons. ~_^
62. City: Anywhere as long as it's a city.
63. Feeling: Loved and loving. ^_^
64. College: Don't have one yet. I don't know where I wanna go.
65. Number: 6. For I am #6. Don't ask, long story.
66. Book: The Gathering by Isobelle Carmody. I've read it six times and counting.
67. Cereal: Bery Bery Kix. *Drools*

In the past 24 hours have you
68. Had a serious talk? You bet.
69. Hugged someone? Of course.
70. Fought with a friend? Nope.
71. Cried? Felt like it. But they were tears of joy. ^_^
72. Laughed? Yup.
73. Made someone laugh? I hope so.
74. Bought something? Ha! I wish.
75. Flirted with someone? Duh.
76. Felt stupid? Oh yeah.
77. Talked to someone you love? Have I ever!
78. Missed someone? Yesh.

Have you ever
79. Done drugs? Nadda. Got sliced with a cocaine razor though. >_<
80. Eaten an entire box of oreos? ^_^; yep.
81. Been dumped? Yeah.
82. Had someone be unfaithful to you? Yeah, and they told me about it too.
83. Stayed home on saturday night, just because?: Duh. I have nothing better to do on Saturday night.
84. Been in love? Yush. Once was unrequitted, and now I'm in love with my dream guy.
85. Seen the white house? Yup, had a walk-through tour.
86. Seen the eiffel tower? I wish. I wanna go to Paris just for a day.
87. Drank alcohol? Not that I'm aware of. And I never will. Bad for your health.
88. Played monopoly? Yup. And I always choose the thimble.
89. Kissed someone? Yes, but nothing terrible romantic, unfortunately.
90. Tried a weight loss program? I just broke into triple digits last year, do you think I would need one?
91. Jumped on a trampoline? Yuppers. Last time I fell and hurt my knee cause it bent all weird. I think it popped something. But I'm better now.
92. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun)? Ahhh, yes. I remember once debating over wether to color Princess Aurora's dress pink or blue. Took me two hours to decide that I liked it better blue.
93. Had a bubble bath? Oh yeah. I'd love to take one with Justin. >3
94. Been on a plane? Six times.
95. Been on a boat? Yuppers. I love it.
96. Been on a train? Want to.
97. Been in a car accident? Yup. I still have little invisible scars all over my face from the broken glass. You can feel them.
98. Ridden an elephant? T'would be fun, but no.
99. Made a web page? I want to.
100. Played with legos? I just bought another Bionicle model two days ago.
101. Stayed up all night? Twice in my whole life.
102. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? Yup yup yup.
103. Broken a bone? My collar bone. I shit you not. Same one as Justin. You can tell cause one of them sticks out a little more than the other.
104. Called a psychic or sex hotline? Why bother?
105. Watched jerry springer? "Today on Jerry Springer: I don't want my daughter dating the midget stripper!" Of course. It's hilarious to see how stupid people are.
106. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? Of course. And I've gotten away with it several times cause the teachers liked me. ^_^
107. Been afraid of the dark? Absolutely petrified of it.
108. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? Thankfully no.
109. Had stitches? Nope, but I wish I had. The scar I have could've been much smaller and cooler looking had the doctor been competent enough to give me stitches.
110. Dumped someone and regretted it? Nope.
111. Went out with more than one person at a time? Never. And I never would.
112. Lied? Of course not. I never lie. And I'm also the Queen of England. ;p
113. Been arrested? Actually, yes. >_<
114. Fallen asleep in class? Several times. Last year I did it all the time and I sat right in front of the teacher. But I was her favorite student so she let me. ^_^
115. Used food for something other than to eat? No, but it might be intresting...
116. Met a celebrity? I met the woman who babysits Larry King's children... Obviously no, but it's one of my goals in life.
117. Broken the law? Once when I accidentally stole something. I was five. I was picked up a tube of lip balm and asked if I could get it, and when my mom said yes I slipped it in my pocket without thinking and walked out with it. Not intentional really.
118. Skipped class? Once. And I'd never do it again.
119. Hated yourself? A few times. But I've learned to get over it.
120. Been brokenhearted? *nod nod*
121. Broken someone's heart? Possibly. I don't know if I did or not.
122. Wanted to kill someone? Of course.
123. Fallen off a chair? Yuppers.
124. Lap danced? Nope, but I would for a certain someone... ~_^
125. Been in a fist fight? Nope, but I've broken up a few. I could probably hold my own though.
126. Blow me? Not unless you're Justin. ;P
127. Like to give hugs? Love it!
128. Like to walk in the rain? ^_^
129. Sleep with or without clothes on? If I wear anything it a pair of bikin underwear, but most times nothing.
130. Prefer black or blue pens? Black.
131. Dress up on halloween? Yup. Tis like cosplaying without a convention.
132. Have a job? Nope, but looking.
133. Like someone? *Snuggles Justin*
134. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Whatever I feel like at the time.
135. Have a goldfish? I did once.
136. Ever have the falling dream? Uhuh. And when I wake up I bounce like I had just hit my bed from a very high place.
137. Have stuffed animals? Several, my favorite being Piggy, my purple gator. But I wanna get this really cute purple stuffed pig and name it Justin. ^_^
138. Like to give anal sex to animals? *Stabs you*
139. Do you believe in the horoscopes: Not at all. But it's amusing to read them and see if they're accurate.
140. Do you like your handwriting: Ehhhhh, kinda. It's really sloppy.
141. What superhero would you be: Does Megaman X count?
142. Do you have any piercings: Nope, but once I turn eighteen I will.
143. Any tattoos: Nope, and I don't know that I want any. I might possibly get one, but it'd take a long time to decide wether or not I want it.
144. Are you picky: Picky eater, yes. Kinda picky about other things, but not too extreme.
145. What makes you mad: Stupidity and ignorance.
146. What do you think of Bush: Well let's see: He's pushing for legislation that allows discrimination based on sexual orientation, seems a little trigger happy if you know what I mean, obviously can't make speeches worth a damn, and he fell off of an idiot proof scooter. I'm not all that fond of him.
147. Who do you admire: My friends Jessica, Hope, and Chris, and Justin.
148. Do you like cartoons: Does a fat puppy hate fast cars?
149. What did you do today: Woke up, started taking this survey.
150. Are your parents annoying: Yes. My mother is evil.
151. Do you own a miniskirt: o_O *Backs away slowly*
152. Do you floss: Sometimes if I want to look really really sharp.
153. What is the farthest your have traveled: From my original home in Missouri, Hilton Head, SC. From my current home, Toledo, Ohio.
154. Have you ever died: Nope.
155. What kind of shampoo do you use: I love Beach Blonde. But I'm out right now so I'm using pert plus.
156. Do you use big words to sound smart: No, I use them because they come naturally to me and I often times forget that others don't know what they mean. ^_^;
157. When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Not alot, persay, but I do swear.
158. Ever worn black nail polish: Nope, but I think it'd look good on me.
159. Do you do everything better then guch: Whooby-whatty?
160. How many sheets are on your bed: Two.
161. Whats under your bed: Three boxes full of books, beanie babies, and models. I also have a ginourmous box from a Master Grade Gundam model, and box sets of the Lord of the Rings books and the Chronicles of Narnia.
162. Do you have your own tv and vcr: I have a combo set, a TV with a vcr built in. Tis nifty.
163. Do you see dead people: Nope, unless ants count.
164. Are you a good speller: Yes, I'm a spelling whore.
165. Do you like little kids: The only kid that I like is my baby cousin Ethan, because he's so attatched to me, and you just can't help but think he's adorable. I just hope he stays as adorable once he starts talking...
166. Are you talented: I guess so. People tell me I am.
167. If so, how: I'm told that I'm an awesome writer (Poetry and fiction), a great actor, a great voice actor, and a great singer (Even though the last one aint true).
168. Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: Nope.
169. Ever seen a ghost: You bet. Scared the life outta me too.
170. Abortion: Despise the idea.
171. Bill Clinton: Looks weird...
172. Eating disorders: Don't know. I might have something along those lines, but I've never been diagnosed.
173. Rap: Despise it.
174. Suicide: Is stupid.
175. Piercings: I want a few.
176. Make-up: Not for me thanks.
177. Drinking: Is about the stupidest thing you can do.

What do you think when you hear this name:
178. Jennifer: Lopez
179. Leah: Girl in my drama class
180. Megan: Parent Trap? My Little Ponies
181. Brandon: Town Center
182. Christina: Girl in chorus.
183. Angela: Bitch.
184. Courtney: Cox
185. Lauren: Ralph
186. Lisa: Bitch
187. Jackie: Rosanne
188. Kat: Aunt Kathy
189. Patrick: He-Bitch
190. Erin: Chagonga, Queen of the Amazons

This or that
191. Pierced nose or tongue? Tongue.
192. Be serious or funny? Serious.
193. Single or taken? Taken.
194. Mtv or vh1? I don't care for the programming on either all that much but if forced to choose, VH1
195. 7th heaven or dawson's creek? 7th Heaven. They're last name is my first. It's jsut spelled different.
196. Sugar or salt? Both
197. Silver or gold? Silver.
198. Tongue or belly button ring? Belly Button.
199. Chocolate or flowers : Flowers.
200. Color or black-and-white photos? Doesn't matter to me.
201. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
202. M&m's or skittles? What?! No Reeses Pieces?
203. Rap or rock? Rock, though I don't care much for that either.
204. Stay up late or sleep in? I do both.
205. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? Opposite sex? Why should I care?
206. Sun or moon? Moon.
207. What time is it? 2:49 pm
208. Diamond or ruby? Ruby.
209. Left or right? Right.
210. Cat or dog? Cats.
211. Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup.
222. Newspaper or magazine? Magazine.
223. Spring or fall? Spring.
224. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Friendship.
225. Happy or sad? Happy. Kind of a dumb question...
226. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals. I like to feel free. ^_^
227. Blondes or brunettes? Don't care.
228. Duct tape or scotch tape? As long as it's sticky and gets the job done I don't care.
229. Pepsi or coke? Pepsi! (Wild Cherry preferred)
230. Nike or adidas? Shoes. As long as they're comfy and don't looks stupid I'll wear them.

Love life
231. If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Justin. *_*
232. If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Justin. *_*
234. What is the biggest turn off: Any sort of dependancy on drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes.
235. What is the biggest turn on: Romantic mood music, rose petals, and a nice warm blanket to cuddle under.
236. Do you think there is a person for everyone: You bet your sweet whiskers.
237. If yes, do you know who yours is: ^_______________________^
238. Do you believe in love at first sight: *nodnod*
239. Have you ever been in love: I am right now. ^_^
240. What do you think love is: Something one can't live long without.
241. Do you think it lasts forever: If it's meant to be, then yes.
242. Do you want to get married: Yes.
243. How many times: Only once. I'd plan on staying married for the rest of my life.
244. When was your first kiss?: Freshman year of highschool. Not the most romantic of moments either.
245. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Murphey.
246. Last word you said: Bye.
246. Last song you sang: Part of Your World.
247. Last meal you ate: A cold barbeque sandwhich.
248. Favorite childhood cartoon: Gargoyles!
249. What did you hate most about school: Idiotic people who disrupt the class.
250. Last person you flipped off: Don't remember. Possibly my mother. >_<
251. Last song stuck in your head: Part of Your World. ^_^
252. Last time you were burned: Last year in Chemistry. I got a steam burn when we where evaporating salt water to find out how much salt was in it.
253. Last time you bled: Yesterday.
254 What's in your cd player: A burned CD with the Evangelion Theme, two songs from Perfect Blue, an english version of one of those, A violin piece from Sailor Moon, Part of Your World, Song for the Lonely by Cher, and two version of Looking through your eyes from Quest for Camelot. o_O I have very eclectic tastes obviously.
255. What color sox are you wearing: Flesh. I have no sox on. ;p
256. What's under your bed: See previous question of the sort.
257. What's the weather like: Rainy. <3
258. What time did you wake up today: 11:30
259. Who do you want to marry: I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. ~_^
260. Are you going to college: Yes.
261. If so, how long do you want to go: However long it takes to get my degree in Theatre or Japanese.
262. How many kids do you want: Absolutely none. I hate children.
263. Kids names girls: n/a
264. Kids names boys: n/a

Well that was highly amusing and fun to do.

I'm considering changing my LJ scheme, even though I do like this one. I just have a rather intresting idea that I wanna use. I'll get it set up and take a screen shot of it then switch back so I can get opinions on it.

Well, I gots stuffs I need to do elsewhere right now. TTFN!

Whistling Jauntily,
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