Forever Changing

Jul 08, 2009 00:26

Well, I’m supposed to be writing an 8 page paper right now. Due tomorrow. Something that I have known about for a while but, of course, have put off to the last minute. Why? Who knows. I fail quite often. Lol. My Procrastination is worse than anyone I’ve ever met. I should say that I have been incredibly busy lately and let’s face it, I’m DONE with school. Lol. 2 weeks and 2 days left! (aka 10 days left!) It really hit me when I went to buy my Tassel today at the bookstore. Lol. I still have plenty of school work left but it’s nothing compared to last quarter. Last quarter was almost the death of me. Between two term papers, logic and desperately trying to stay away in Social Stratification, it just was not an easy quarter. So, everyone has been asking me (constantly…lol) about what I plan to do after I graduate. Well, here is the plan. I plan to apply for several positions overseas that will begin in February. Yes, I’m still planning on applying to South Korea, despite the recent developments. However, I may apply to a couple of Taiwan positions as well, we’ll see. I will apply to work for GPIK (Seoul Public Schools) and EPIK (more specifically a position in either Daegu or Jeju Island). In Taiwan I would like to be near Taipei, more specifically near Danshui (the perfect blend of City Life, College Campus and right on the river/ocean! Not to mention it‘s right on the rail into Taipei central).
I am, However, planning to also apply to several school programs, well, at least one. I’ll be applying for Graduate School at OSU. If I get in, it will be a matter of whether or not I can afford to go. With my GPA though, it may be interesting to see if I could even get in (I’m not holding my breath or anything). I am also going to be looking for a second job. No, I’m not leaving my precious Hallmark! Especially not before Christmas! I’ve even considered applying for a management position at Hallmark but we’ll see. I know of a couple possible jobs right now that I’m considering. However, The day after I finish finals I am having my Wisdom teeth out and will be down for a week. Therefore, I want to wait until after getting all that crap done before I start looking too seriously. Plus, practically half of August I’ll be out of town or graduating, etc. it’s really a very busy time for me!
So besides all of the boring future plans / college crap that I just forced you all to read, what has been going on with me? Not a whole lot. However, considerably more than I would say the last six months or so combined. I’ve recently made some new friends. Brooke, also an English Major, has become my reading buddy. We’re slowly but surely working our way through Jane Austen over the summer then we’re having a huge Jane Austen movie fest this fall when she gets back into town! I’m pumped. No one else I know has ever shown real interest in Austen / Austen movies (which are my guilty pleasure… one of many!). Soojin is also a recent friend of mine. She’s from Korea and is a student at OSU as well. We met through OSU international and it’s been a blast so far! I recently went to her house for dinner. She and her mom made a ton of traditional Korean dishes and they were amazing! SOO good! She and her mom are both extremely nice! She and I have tons of similarities too. I think it was one of those situations when you meet someone and know you’re instantly going to be great friends! I’m helping her with her English and she’s helping my with my Korean and we’re just having a blast so far. It’s nice to finally have someone to talk to who even knows who Girl’s Generation is! Let alone has done her own dace video to one of their songs! (AWESOME by the way! They did such a great job!)
Yes, Things right now have been going really well as a whole. I did however, suffer a huge lose recently. I Know that Barry deserves a whole post all to himself but I think that we’ll just start with this and when I can settle my nerves enough to write a whole post / scan some pictures into the computer then I’ll get that post up. Yes, on July 2nd (Thursday) 2009 around 4:30pm. Barry passed away. We had to have him put to sleep due to the loss of feeling and function in his back hips and legs. I won’t go into detail about how hard it was to watch my once joyous and bouncy big dog drag his hind legs around, trying desperately just to get out in time to the side yard to pee. This was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever witnessed. I can’t even express just how hard the loss of someone, someone who has been in my life for 12 years (over half my life), is to deal with. I keep looking for him out in the backyard and back porch. Yes, Barry was a great Dog. Everyone who had ever met Barry loved him. He was one of those dogs who are just filled with nothing but unconditional love. He will be forever missed. I don’t know if I could ever have another dog after having such a good dog as Barry and having to suffer the lose of him like this. I should say, however, that it was a peaceful way to go. A friend of the family is a vet and we took him to her office. They have a really nice grassy/wooded area next to their office and that is where they did it. He was surrounded by family, smiling and panting lovingly ‘til the end. He was a good dog, a great dog and I truly did love him.
Well, now that I’ve made myself start to cry yet again (I’ve been crying off and on since last Wednesday, an entire day before we even took Barry to the vet), and have made this post turn incredibly depressing, let me change the subject. This summer has and is continuing to be all about changes. Changes that I knew were coming and changes that have hit me pretty hard. Changes that have been both good and bad. I know that life is all about change, things are constantly changing and once they change they can rarely return to the way they were before, however, despite knowing this, I hate change. I’m horrible with change and I loathe it. There are some changes that I can deal with easier than others but for the most part, I will fight change to the bitter end. (I’m not kidding, my grandma’s bathroom is still in metallic butterflies because I begged her not to change it like five years ago…and I STILL love that wallpaper by the way! They just don’t make it like that anymore! Lol) With that being said, I’ve been having a really really hard time with the fact that I am going through tons of HUGE changes all at one time.
I’m finishing school. I will no longer be student. I’ve been a student ever since I zipped up my little paper pad, safety scissors and Lisa Frank supply collection into my stylish Yellow, Green and Red Crayola book bag and headed off to my first day of Kindergarten. That was when I was five. I’ve been a student for 16 years of my life. And although I’ve come to loath school (ironic that I want to become a teacher?? I think so) It’s the world that I’ve come to know and the system that I know how to work. So leaving is going to be hard. Also, there is a very large possibility that within the next six months to a year, I’ll be moving out of my home and leaving my family. Something I’ve never done before. I didn’t even live in a dorm during college(NOT something that I regret). I’ve always been an independent person. After all, one of my first phrases was “I can do it myself!” something that my family has never let me live down… probably because it was and still is SO true. I’m incredibly independent and stubborn. Lol. Just the same, all of these changes have been hitting me hard and I don’t really know what to do with myself. I’m just trying to get things done step by step.
Step 1) Finish School
Step 2) Get my Wisdom Teeth out
Step 3) Cincy Tennis!!!! (graduation gift BABY!)
Step 4) graduate, August 30th.
Step 5) Find a Second Job
Step 6) Study for and then take the GRE
Step 7) Apply for Graduate Schools
Step 8) Apply for Positions overseas
Step 9) Throughout all of these steps, save as much money as possible, difficult when you are surrounded by Hallmark Ornaments each day at work! (another guilty pleasure…lol)
Step 10) Take a Breath and see where the next year takes me!

So Yes, this is the overall plan. Lol. I do realize that I have given my a 2 year cushion to take and use to get my crap together. I really thought that I wanted to get overseas ASAP but now that I’m finishing school, the draw of having my masters degree at the age of 22 has become more and more appealing!. What can I say. Lol. We’ll just have to wait and see though. If I don’t get in then I don’t have to worry about it. :-P So yes. With the exception of my Korean Individualized Track Class, I am finishing up OSU courses in two and a half weeks. After that, look forward to my Loved/hated List of OSU. Lol. It will be interesting I promise. Really it should be given to all OSU freshman. It’s just THAT useful :-P lol. Well, Since it’s now 12:30 in the morning and my paper in due in class in 11 hours, I should probably get started writing it! Lol. (not to mention the 20, yes that’s right, 20 copies that I have to make for all of my classmates for our workshop days…ugh. Lol. Anywho. This was therapeutic and now that I’m in a writing groove I feel much more prepared! I love writing late at night sitting here in my comfy pleather chair, with nothing but the attic fan running upstairs, the Korean pop music I’m playing and the occasional car driving by out front for background noise. It’s just perfect. It would be even better if it were raining! :) Well, until next time,

Toodles and Schnoogles

friends, taiwan, school, barry, korea, plans, osu

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