The Slayer and The Serpent: Part 13/26

Jul 29, 2007 02:20

Author’s Note: This picks up a week after ‘The Deepest Blues Are Black’. Lyrics are in ‘ ’. Lyrics for this chapter belong to Throwing Muses. Feedback makes me want to write more. Thanks to Discord, polgara, thatchick, EllandrahSylver, Tally, MrPlumbean, kyzhart, and Kimbclar for reviewing.

FR-21 for sexual situations.

‘Not another drive-in movie
You know you can't sit still
Move me’

Buffy’s back was against a hard stone wall and a pair of sinfully talented lips were making their way across her collar bone. She shuddered then moaned as said lips parted and blunt teeth scraped over the sensitive skin of her neck. His hands pinned her wrists above her head and she relished in the feigned helplessness of it.

Severus had been playing with her for a while now using his lips and tongue and teeth to drive her into a frenzy. He kept her arms immobile because he knew the instant she touched him he wouldn’t be able to stop.

Why stop? A wicked voice in his head whispered. Just take her, she’s willing. Take her and be done with the silly girl.

But he found that he had no answer for the voice. He wanted her, almost desperately, and he knew she wanted him as well. The past week had been spent like this, stealing kisses here and there and rough ‘make-out sessions’ as the girl writhing against him called them. And yet he just wouldn’t take her to his bed. He’d had plenty of opportunities, even now, they were just inside the door of his chambers. All he needed to do was lift the tiny woman into his arms, carry her to his bedroom, and end this infernal infatuation. But no, he was pulling away, releasing her hands, and dodging her inevitable attempt to pull him back to her.

“We’ve class in five minutes.” He whispered harshly.

She knew better than to argue. There were a lot of things she could tempt him away from, class wasn’t one of them. She straightened her robes and smoothed down her hair then turned toward the door. When he moved forward to follow she slipped in close and cuddled into him as he hurried them out into the dark dungeon hallway. One of her hands had sneaked inside his robes and she ran it slowly up and down his chest. As they neared the main hallway she pulled him down for a final kiss then unwrapped her self from him and with a cheeky grin trotted up the stairs toward her own classroom.

For a moment he just stared after her. What was he doing? How had someone like him ended up in the middle of a tryst with the likes of her? She was delicate yet strong, beautiful and delightfully wicked. He honestly had no clue. Severus shook his head and plastered a sneer on his face. The Potions Master sulked into his class room throwing the door closed behind him with a resounding and utterly satisfying crash.

‘Snake Snake
Face out an open window
Water in my eyes’

Buffy contemplated the empty parchment in front of her. Her students were working on an essay about various advanced defensive spells and she was considering what to write in response to her sister’s last letter. Willow had gleefully filled Dawn in on her not-relationship with Severus and of course the younger Summers was full of questions and suggestions. Dawn whole-heartedly agreed that she needed to just keep things casual. It was easy to forget that Dawnie had witnessed first hand what falling in love, or trying to, had done to Buffy. Sometimes the slayer thought that her sister actually knew more about it than even Willow. Dawn had been right there in the next room all the nights Buffy had cried herself to sleep over Angel, or had a screaming match with Riley, or sat up all night in head to toe garlic to avoid Spike. Buffy set down her quill and thought about her former vampire lovers. Severus was not like either of them individually but the dark Professor had bits and pieces of both of them. Perhaps that’s why the slayer had felt an almost instant connection with him. Despite his outward hostility inside Severus was full of guilt over the things he had done. He wanted redemption so very much, that and his intelligence and wisdom reminder her of Angel. But Snape, even with his need to make right the wrongs he had done in his youth, still had a dark side. And even though Buffy felt he had a good soul there was still something inside of him that was vicious and almost cruel. That reminded Buffy of Spike.

‘Beat me to it
Meet me here next time
One more button undone’

The slayer picked up her quill again and wrote out her thoughts, her comparisons to Angel and Spike, her frustration both mental and physical at the situation. When she finished she rolled up the parchment and tied it shut with a piece of twine. She’d run to the owlery later and have Severus’ owl take it to Sunnydale. Although the Potions Master had given her permission to use his owl indefinitely Buffy decided it was time to get her own mail owl but hadn’t had time to get to Diagon Alley to purchase one. The way things were going she wasn’t sure she’d have time until winter break and that was over two months off.

Buffy glanced over at the clock, there a still a bit of time left in class but she was out of things to do. She looked around and saw that a few students had already finished their essays.

“Those of you that are finished can bring your essays up and go or,” She paused throwing a pointed glance at Hermione Granger, “Use the rest of the time for other homework. For those of you who aren’t done you have about twenty minutes left.”

The students who were finished filed up to the desk and handed in their assignments then went for the door, Hermione was the only one who sat back down and cracked open another book as Buffy knew she would be. Draco handed his in with a grin and a nod then made his way out of the class. The students finished and trickled out at a steady pace. Then Harry came up and gave her his essay. He had a sweet lopsided smile on his handsome face that made Buffy think of Xander.

“Are you ready for Halloween next week Professor?” He asked, he glanced behind him to where Hermione sat, Ron what looking over her shoulder a bit desperately, probably trying to copy whatever homework she was working on.

“I don’t really have the best track record with Halloween, so I guess we’ll just have to see.” She said with a smile.

“Are you going to the ball?”

“Ball? Like dance?” Buffy asked.

“Yeah, you didn’t know?” Harry said.


“There’s a masked ball on Halloween night. We get to wear costumes and everything. There’s games and music…”

“And a lot of excellent food.” Ron said as he and Hermione came up to join them.

“Crap, that means I’m gonna have to find a costume.” The slayer murmured.

“Some of the Professors just go in their robes.” Hermione said.

“Well that’s boring.” The blonde said. “I’ll think of something. You should probably head to your next class, have a good day, guys.”

“Thanks Professor.” The three chorused together and started out the door.

‘You talk too loud I'm talking to you
Talk it into the ground
Move me’

Later that day Buffy went down to the dungeons. Her classes were finished for the day so she moved through the halls and made her way to Severus’ class. He wouldn’t be too much longer and maybe she could convince him to teach her a potion or two before dinner. As she neared his door she could hear him shouting at someone, probably poor Neville Longbottom. Buffy rolled her eyes. He was constantly picking on that kid, the slayer made an effort to be extra nice and encouraging to the Gryffindor in her class. He was actually shaping up to be pretty good at DADA, he just needed some confidence.

As soon as Snape dismissed his class the students practically ran out of the room, they were all muttering to themselves or each other,

“He’s bloody well in a worse mood than usual.”

“I’m never going to get out of that class alive.”

“Do you think it will grow back?”

Buffy shook her head, she really needed to work on this whole him terrorizing his pupils thing. She knew she had no chance in hell of stopping it, but maybe she could curb it a bit. Once the last student was gone she slipped into his class shutting the door silently behind her. He was at his desk putting things away, well ‘putting’ wasn’t quite the right word. Slamming was more like it.

“You do realize that scarring them for life isn’t going to make them better witches and wizards.” Buffy said moving to the front of the room. He kept his back to her but ceased throwing things about.

“You do realize that coddling them isn’t going to make them better either.,” He spat.

Buffy sighed, she didn’t want to argue so instead of letting loose the biting remark that was on the tip of hr tongue she kept her mouth shut and slid in behind him. The blonde slipped her arms around his waist and pressed herself to his back. “Bad day?” She questioned, her cheek rubbing softly over the rough material of his work robes.

“Is there any other kind?” He murmured.

“Oooo, poor baby.” She cooed, working her way around to the front of him until she’d squeezed herself between him and the desk. She wiggled against him until he stopped sneering and his eyes heated up.

‘Snake Snake
Face out an open window
Fire in my eyes’

His large hands went to her hips to still her. “Cease your teasing, wench.” He hissed.

She smirked at him, her hands dancing up until she gripped his collar and yanked him down. Damn him for being so tall. “Who said anything about teasing?” She murmured flicking her tongue out over his lips like a snake. “I’m not the half of this couple that has an issue with follow-through.”

The growl he gave her was worthy of any vampire. His hands moved from her hips to her upper arms and he actually lifted her almost a foot off the ground so he didn’t have to stoop any longer. “Not yet.” He said “And most definitely not here.”

“Prude.” She said sourly, annoyed at the way her feet were just dangling in the air. He was a lot stronger than he looked. She should have known by the way he was always yanking her around.

“Really?” He murmured and Buffy wasn’t entirely sure she liked the look in his eyes. He lifted her a bit higher until she was sitting on the edge of his desk, now she was trapped. He set her on the ledge in front of the sink, if she moved, or even leaned back she’d fall in and he was like a wall in front of her. If she really wanted to she could move him but she wasn’t exactly displeased yet.

Oh, no. Not displeased at all, she thought as he leaned forward and trailed his lips down her jaw until they were caressing her neck. One on his hands rested on hers the other slid around her back, with that one he held her up and with the other he moved her hands one by one to the opposite side of the sink behind her so she leaning back, the front of her body stretched out before him.

His lips moved up to her ear. “Don’t move.” He commanded darkly and Buffy’s breath hitched a bit. Was it wrong that she liked when he ordered her around? Not that she’d ever tell him that. She glared at him so he wouldn’t see how much she enjoyed this new game but she obeyed.

‘Beat me to it
Meet me here next time
One more button undone’

Her school robes had already been open so he pushed them off her shoulders to slide down her arms and rest at her wrists. She was wearing a dark green button up blouse and a knee length khaki skirt. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips but quickly pulled away to move on to more interesting territory. His left hand had moved down to her ankle and one finger was sliding ever so slowly up her leg. His right hand was tracing her collar bone. Then his clever fingers moved to her shirt and he slipped a button open. His lips trailed after his finger kissing and nipping any little bit of flesh he exposed. His left hand reached her knee and the right flicked open another button to reveal the tops of her breasts. She’d been feeling girly that morning and had put on a lacy pink bra. By the sudden hardness she felt on her lower thigh, he approved. Buffy threw her head back and moaned as his blunt teeth sank into the upper curve of her breast, not enough to break skin but there would definitely be a mark left behind, her arms started to shake. Even with slayer strength she couldn’t hold this position much longer. His sneaky left hand had gotten under her skirt and was tracing patterns on her inner thigh. He nuzzled her through her bra. The blonde moaned in despair when he removed his hand from under her skirt but when he used said hand to tug down a cup of her bra she didn’t mind any more. He teased a hard nipple with his tongue then sucked it into his mouth. Her breathing was ragged and she was whimpering pathetically. The slayer lost it when he bit her nipple gently. Her arms gave out but he caught her before she could hit the hard marble of his desk.

“Prude?” He asked as he straightened her bra and began to re-button her shirt.

“Tease!” She practically shouted batting his hands away and sneering at him.

“Patient.” He corrected, he started to back away but her legs shot out to wrap around his thighs, pulling him back to her.

She batted her eyes at him coyly and ran a hand down his chest. He stopped her before her hand could get too low.

“Someone could walk in at any moment.” He said and almost laughed as she pouted.

He was right and she hated it. “Fine, fine. You just keep playing around and one of these days the only person to play with will be your self.” She said primly pushing him back and hopping down. She buttoned up her shirt and straightened her robes.

His eyes narrowed as she moved away from him. She went to the shelf of books and picked out a seventh year text, her mind finally getting back to the original reason she’d come down here. He wants to tease, fine. She was perfectly capable of controlling herself and he was about to see just how much.

‘Next week I'll be a lousy liar
Next time I'll say when
You move me’
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