Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle

Dec 01, 2008 14:44

While you guys were busy giving me feedback from the last post (thank you so much!) I took advantage of my days off to draw some more HP art, wee! They're all pencils with some tonal changes in Photoshop.

The first one is of Albus Dumbledore, the second is of movie!Tom.

With this one I used an all graphite pen, one of those really dark ones (8B) all throughout. I tend to go a little too light with my shading, or usually skip it all together :/ so this was a good way to force myself to think darker.
So for this one I had Richard Harris in mind looking at different pictures of him, yet it turns out my Dumbledore is reminding me more of Michael Gambon...go figure. I probably will change the design on his hat too, but for now some graceful swirls will do (lol).

This is movie!Tom from Chamber of Secrets. I used a ref on my computer screen with a sketchpad on my lap, so I'm happy with the way it turned out considering. The shading technique here is hatching with a mechanical pencil (0.5), and somehow I think it all worked out.

And..this is a little extra; a 3-5 minute sketch of Ron. It's actually a lot smaller than the other two.

tom, dumbledore

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