Aug 02, 2016 23:34

Fandom, I knew I could never quit you! Who would have ever thought we'd have new canon after the grand adieu that was Deathly Hallows? While Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts I and II was written by Jack Thorpe, it is based on J.K. Rowling's outlines, and she has pronounced them canon. Who am I to argue? I'm only 85 pages in -- normally, I would've knocked it out in a few hours, but lately I've been very low energy (I'm in the midst of arranging for iron infusion treatments again; chronic iron deficient anemia is just something I will have to stay extremely aware of, and treat accordingly when my symptoms reappear. Subsequently, since I'm low on iron, I have been sleeping waaaaaay more than normal for me -- today I'd get a few pages in, and then suddenly I was waking up, the book having slid to the floor!). Anyhow, new canon!

I've made some notes on my thoughts on what I've read so far -- can you guys believe the number of fandom tropes Cursed Child contains (And I'm only 85 pages in!)? I'll post on these later, as it's late, and I'm tired.

Earlier in the year I feared I was "done blogging". For a variety of reasons, I didn't feel at home at slytherincesss anymore, and I assumed that meant it was time to give up the blog. But slytherincesss, the blog, is 13 years old! How can I give up that much history, that much friendship, that much meta, and so, so much valuable conversation? I can't. I find I want and need a place to talk and share, so I am re-opening slytherincess, and I very much look forward to sharing with you all again.

More tomorrow. Boy, there's lots to tell.

Much love to you all!

hp: harry potter and the cursed child

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