Sep 18, 2014 23:16

My sixteen-year-old son had his first kiss tonight at the Homecoming bonfire with his first girlfriend (who is a senior; he is a sophomore). I was thrilled he so readily told us he and his girlfriend had a kiss (I never told my parents a thing about my intimate escapades!). After he started dating his girlfriend, DH and I decided to have a sit down with him and talk about, basically, personal responsibility -- sexually, emotionally, physically, etc. I've already provided him with quite a few books on sexuality and puberty, but her's not much of a reader. So! The Talk. And, I suppose, a healthy supply of condoms, just in case. I don't want him to start having sex, but realistically it's a possibility -- apparently the average age of a teen's first sexual experience (by that, I mean intercourse) is seventeen, so yeah.

But,, SQUEE! First kiss! <3

topic: first kiss

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