Aug 21, 2014 20:37

Love Grows Here. Excerpt: As part of a growing nationwide movement toward marriage equality the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin Foundation and the national ACLU’s LGBT project have challenged our state’s restrictions on marriage in Federal Court. [...] People who give of themselves to move human rights forward are always seen as the bright spots of their time in history books. The reality is that few are treated that way during their lives. [...]

As we make our attempts to show kindness across all boundaries, what we’ve found at the heart of all inequality issues is that those on the privileged side of the divide have always been raised to believe that their privilege makes sense because they are the good people, the moral ones, the heroes.
By giving a glimpse of the incredible moral decency of Pat and Dennis [a gay couple] we challenged lifetimes of belief. We lost customers. We understood that would happen. But it’s what happened since that has us so joyful.

I've shopped at Penzeys spices for about six years, on the recommendation of jlh, and have always been pleased with their excellent quality spices and spice blends. It warms my heart to see the above declaration prominently displayed on the front of their home page (the whole statement/story is a great read) and I encourage you to try Penzeys spices, if you don't use them already. Some of the blends I like are Mural of Flavor, Fleur de Sel, Florida seasoned pepper, Barbeque 3001, shallots, Foxtrot seasonings, Sandwich Sprinkle, celery salt, and their minced garlic.

These are the kinds of businesses we need to support! I live three blocks down from a Hobby Lobby -- they, of course, will never see my business. I will gladly pay shipping and handling charges to Penzeys online, or shop at the two Penzeys stores here in the Denver Metro area, to support a business that in turn supports marriage equality so strongly. So, go forth and get your spice on!

topic: marriage equality

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