Dec 02, 2013 20:41

First, Pictures from Russian Dating Sites.


I know I said I wouldn't go on and on about my knee, but I just had to share this story. Today was my first pain management appointment since the surgery. Of course when I left the hospital they gave me prescriptions for pain meds; unfortunately, they wrote the scripts so there was a discrepancy between my discharge and my appointment today, which hit over not only the Thanksgiving holiday, but also the weekend. In other words, there was no one on the face of the earth to bridge the gap for me. The last four days have been utter hell; by the time I got to my appointment today I was a disaster -- in horrible pain, crying, totally frantic (I tried to be as discrete as possible by keeping my head buried in a mound of Kleenex ... I ... suppose that's not exactly discrete :| ) Anyhow, I managed to attract the attention of the only other person in the waiting room, and she came over and asked me if she could pray over me to help me feel better. For those not in the know, I'm basically agnostic and I don't attend church (YMMV and that's fine! I'm not against religion). But I thought, heck, I'm hurting so much if Jesus can provide some pain relief, I'm game. So the lady said a very lovely prayer for me and gave my hand a gentle squeeze and returned to where she had been sitting. I wasn't offended at all when she asked to say a prayer over me because I've always thought that despite the religious aspect of someone offering to pray for you, what it really is is one human being noticing another, and if suffering is involved really the offer of prayer is a demonstration of caring, even if it isn't exactly how I would express caring myself. And I think one human showing another one caring and concern is always a good thing in this world of ours. For a few moments I felt better, if but only emotionally.

I know that some people are greatly offended when someone offers to pray for them or on their behalf and I understand this when the prayer offer is disingenuous, but would you be angry at someone who offered to pray for you just on general principle? If so, I'd be curious to know why, if you'd be willing to share. I certainly don't think it's wrong to reject a prayer offer because of course we have the right to protect our spiritual beliefs, whatever they may be, but, yeah, would someone offering to pray for you upset you or make you angry?


We put the Christmas tree up this past Friday. The new tree is pretty, but it's not as tall as our previous tree. We also don't have a mantel, so I've allocated all the usual mantel decor to the hearth of the fireplace in the new house, but I can't put up the pine swag because of the lack of a mantel. I remember how beautiful everything looked on the mantel back at our previous house and right now I'm missing it extra hard. I uploaded some pics of the Victorian to Pinterest the other day. I don't use Pinterest very often, but every once and a while I get the urge to throw a few pics up on my boards. But I do miss my house -- it's character, it's charm ... even the radiator hose used as shower drain, lol! I've always had an affinity for the Victorian era, so feeling truly at home in a 60s era house ... well, I'm not quite there yet. The fact that it's a rental -- so not ours to totally do with as we want -- kind of exacerbates this. Right now I'm considering this place like being in a holding pattern. We have the proceeds from the Victorian that we could use for a down payment on a new house if we decide to buy again, although DH and I don't agree on what kind of house we ultimately want. OTOH, I really, really like many aspects of renting. It's nice to be able to call someone to take care of maintenance issues and the like. And, at least right now, real estate isn't the guaranteed nest egg that it once was.


Man, this neighborhood is bizarre! The UPS truck just came by -- it's 7:54 p.m. Not only that, but the mailman comes so late at night that he wears a miner's hat with a light fixed to the brim so he can see. At the old place, the UPS truck came by between 2:00 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. like clockwork and the mail was delivered while it was still light outside. I'm not sure what's up with that.


Does anyone reading this have chronic insomnia? I've had it for almost a year now and I'm not sure if I should see a sleep specialist or what. I sleep from around 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 - 1:30 a.m., sometimes as late as 3:00 a.m. But then I am wide awake until around 6:00 a.m. and might doze from 6:00 a.m. to maybe 9:00 a.m. So on a better day I get 4.5 hours of sleep. On many days I'll only sleep for an hour around 6:00 a.m., so that can take it down to 2.5 hours a night. At first I was a frickin' zombie, but it seems like I'm used to this crazy-ass schedule now and I feel functional during the day (I do sometimes doze or nap during the day, though). Has anyone else struggled with insomnia? If so, any tips? At this rate I'm going to look 55 by the New Year!


I hope everyone is doing great and that everyone who celebrates had a great Thanksgiving ♥
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