"The Smuggler" (Scorpius, James, McGonagall, Snape, PG, 100)

Jan 05, 2009 17:06

“Headmistress, this ruffian was trying to smuggle in this bottle!”

“You may let him go, Mr Potter.”

James Sirius conceded reluctantly, releasing his grip on the younger boy’s white-blond hair.

“Mr Malfoy, have you got anything to say for yourself?” McGonagall asked briskly.

“Grandfather’s going to kill me…”

“You should have considered it earlier,” McGonagall chided sternly before turning to James. “Escort Mr Malfoy to his dormitory.”

James surprisingly agreed and left with a sullen Scorpius. Once the door had closed, a snide voice spoke from a nearby portrait.

“Pitiable boy… Lucius won’t be happy.”

“About what, Severus?”

“His champagne.”

char: severus, author: duco_lacuna, prompt: champagne, char: scorpius

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