Title: Dear professor Snape…
Author: DoreyG
Characters: Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley (Indirectly through letter form, please tell em if it isn’t allowed!), underlying Snape/Ginny
Rating: PG
Challenge: Hate potion
Word count: 227
Dear professor Snape
I hate you; I mean really truly loathe your very being.
Yet I suppose I do still have some kind of feelings for you. The only reason I’m admitting that here is because this will probably get lost or something (Or more likely you’ll end up burning it)
Anyway I just want to tell you that perhaps you did teach me something right. Don’t worry I hate you enough without any stupid potion to guide me on my way.
Yes I did notice it thank you very much, not that theres any reason to be alarmed.
I won’t make another “move” on you anyway, I’d like you to know that the only reason I “made a move” on you that time was for the order (you know that organisation you heartlessly betrayed?) certainly not for any feelings I had, and yes as I admitted above I did have feelings for you once…
But I would have been happy just bottling them up inside, perhaps if it hadn’t been for the order this would have never been happening.
Let’s not ever talk again. I have Harry, you have the death eaters. We should be happy with them.
Ginny Weasley
P.S Please don’t send anymore potions, it’s below even your low standards.
Dear Miss Weasley
I agree
No I won't say that.
Severus Snape