Nature's Nobility (Blaise/Draco, PG, 100)

Dec 28, 2007 18:24

Title: Nature’s Nobility
Character(s): Blaise/Draco
Rating: PG

Challenge: Maze
Word count: 100

His fingers traced the intricate paths forming the Zabini family tree.  It was more akin to a labyrinth than a tree - the treasure at its center, his mother; where a half dozen wealthy pureblood families merged.  He considered the absence of an intersecting Malfoy line.  Although, some mergers escape documentation…  As if on cue, a familiar voice deferred further musing.

“Should I worry?”

Blaise closed Nature’s Nobility, and raised his eyes to the source of the interruption.

“Engrossed as you are with that, perhaps I’m losing my appeal?”

Blaise mirrored the smirk and replied, “Come in, I’ll obligingly reassure you.”

char: blaise, prompt: maze, char: draco, author: deceptus_mens

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