Title: Little Corridors
Author: Temari778
Character(s): Draco, Draco/Hermione
Rating: G
Prompt: #318: Stealth
WC: 155
Summary: He used the shadows when he needed to.
Notes: Sorry, this was a bit longer than I thought it would be.
To be stealthy, it was more than just being inconspicuous, to use the shadows to your advantage. Draco knew this. He'd followed (he'd never admit to stalking) someone before.
He could also use people much taller than him and walk behind them. He could also stay close to the walls of the corridors. Or if outside, dodge behind trees with wide trunks.
But, he'd never stalked her before. And he to be much more careful than before. He wouldn't be surprised if she had eyes hidden in that awful bushy hair of hers.
When he would get close enough to her and away from prying ears (and eyes), he would tell her in no uncertain terms to stop waving her hand in the air at every single question. It was bad enough they'd let her into the school, he thought. He would not let her make a fool of him more than she already had.