Title: Happiness
Character(s): Draco Malfoy, Marcus Flint
Rating: G
Challenge(s): Prompt #93 Action/Reaction, via
slytherin100 .
Word count: 100
Author's notes: My first drabble for
slytherin100 x-posted to
malfoy100 ,
slytherin100 and
my fanfiction/fic rec blog. Draco flashed Marcus a smug leer, throwing his Nimbus onto his bed. He felt gleeful.
“We lost.” Marcus informed him, glowering.
Draco spread his hands wide, unmoved. “Yes, but I caught the snitch.” He laughed, a carefree cackle.
From the moment his fingers closed around the franticly fluttering wings he had been elated. Potter had stormed off the pitch, jaw clenched and cheeks flushed, ignoring Draco’s gloating. His friends hurried after to lick his wounds.
“We lost, Malfoy.” Marcus said again, as though Draco hadn’t heard already.
Draco shrugged. “It’s hardly my problem if your team is shit.”
Marcus growled.