Apr 23, 2009 05:39
Title: Snakes and Sleep
Pairing(s): Pansy/Ginny
Rating: hard PG13
Warning(s): Femslash, a bit raunchy
Challenge(s): Prompt 78 - Silencing Charm
Word count: 100
Author's notes: My first Pansy/Ginny... anything! I don't really see how this pairing could work, but I've seen alot more people writing about them recently so I gave it a try. Not bad...
She was sound asleep, oblivious to a lurking Slytherin climbing into her bed. If the redhead had been awake, she would have heard the murmurs of a binding and silencing charm on her curtains and bed. The Slytherin smirked at her work, testing her weight on the bed and hearing no creak of springs. She straddled the sleeping form, bending to kiss and nip at a bare neck until it's owner woke slowly.
"Pansy? Not now..." Ginny grumbled, groggily.
Pansy paid her no mind as she continued on, kissing and biting pale skin. The redhead relented, knowing she couldn't win.
prompt: silencing charm,
author: hamimifk,
char: pansy