SORTING HAT appliaction

Oct 31, 2011 17:59

Player Information
Name: Freya
Timezone: PST (GMT-8)
Personal Journal: stimulant
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM; absolute cleavage
Email Address: i.have.heeros.socks[at]
Former/Other Characters in the RP: N/A
How did you hear about us?: A few friends of mine on plurk mentioned this game before!

Character Information
Name: Vriska Serket
Canon Origin/Series: MS Paint Adventures: Homestuck
School Year: 3rd
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Out of school living location: Wilmslow, Cheshire, England. Though she was born in Bucharest, Romania.
Blood status: Pureblood

Personality: 8LUH 8LUH HUGE 8ITCH. No, really, when you first meet Vriska, that's pretty much the impression you get. Like the widowed spider that she personafies, Vriska often finds herself without close friends and without the excitement she's really looking for, all because of her own doing. She's notably upset that no one seems to hate her to the extent she hates them, or like her, even. For a long time, she doesn't seem to own up to this as her own fault, instead blaming it on her shitty luck (which Kanaya describes as a series of self-fulfilling prophecies). No, if you asked her, she is more than okay with it. She has a reputation to uphold, of course, and friends are just as easy to come by as enemies. Those around her are much better suited to help further her own goals.

With her Vision Eightfold abilities and her caustic personality, Vriska is known for being manipulative and unforgiving. The people she cares little about end up being food for her lusus, while those she generally likes end up paralyzed at the least or dead at the worst. Thankfully Troll culture tolerates and even vindicates this sort of behavior, and from someone of her blood type, it's expected. While half the time she seems to accept this sort of haughtiness that comes from being of higher class, at the same time, she curses her blood color as well and holds it as some sort of burden. (Her Azure blood is on the higher end of the hemospectrum.) Despite this, Vriska often finds herself to be manipulated in the end. This is partly what fuels her rivalry with Terezi. They started out as partners in her FLARPing exploits, but Vriska's cruelty quickly turned the other girl off, and thus the competition began. Though the other girl has moved on, Vriska constantly tries to revive it. Karkat says that Vriska actually attempts to hate too hard, which in turn makes her hate lackluster and lukewarm.

But she still has to be the best, no matter what! Even at the expense of her own well-being and those around her. Their doomed game session is essentially the result of her own desire to be better and win for everyone, even going as far as upgrading the villain to the point of being unbeatable for them. And despite this, she doesn't show her comrades any sense of remorse. Vriska lives a fast-paced life and doesn't have the time to wait around for everyone else to keep up with her. She has too many irons in the fire for that. While her plans are grandiose, they don't always come to fruitation, despite her best efforts.

Vriska is known to speak in a sarcastic manner, finding most people she interacts with to be boring and not really worth her time. She does enjoy being a little flirty if it gets her what she wants, but more than anything, she is ruthless and very competitive, going into her desire to always be the best. But despite this, she does seem to have a desire to have someone around to keep her in check, shown by her outburst at Kanaya as to why the other troll can't stop her from "doing bad things". She also shows a flushed interest once Kanaya punches her in the face to knock her out of a fight, too. She has no problems pushing limits, especially if it bothers someone else in the process.

While half the time she is flattering herself and boasting about past exploits, Vriska does hold a large amount of self-doubt and insecurities. She tries so hard to seem uncaring and manipulative because that's the image she feels like she has to portray. But the truth of the matter is, Vriska may actually care too much. She admits that she feels bad when her attempts to reconcile with Aradia fail as well as when she finally kills Tavros. She actually states that she feels bad about that one. Vriska had put a lot of time and effort into "bettering" Tavros, though her methods were less than successful, she did actually harbor feelings for him. She also reveals to John that her motive for wanting to take on Jack alone isn't just to be an awesome hero, but also to protect her friends, despite the fact that she realizes all the luck may not be on her side.

Canon Background: Vriska is one of the twelve aliens--aptly named "Trolls"--who, well, troll the four main kids in Homestuck. Her story starts out pre-game as a girl in the group no one really wants to associate with but Kanaya. It's not surprising, considering the damage she's caused her friends. Aradia was killed, albeit indirectly, Tavros paralyzed, and Terezi blinded all thanks to our Spidertroll. She is involved in FLARPING or extreme live-action roleplaying, though most of her friends refuse to play with her anymore (or those that do, e.g. Eridan, are too lame and she doesn't want to waste her time with them). She lost her left eye and arm thanks to Terezi getting even with her for Aradia's death (which subsequently was retaliated with Terezi's own blinding). Her arm was replaced by Equius with a robotic substitute, which he apparently has some manner of control over.

Her respite block was a mess, covered in old FLARPing plans, broken 8-balls, and dice. She frequently hurt herself by stepping on them, claiming it to be part of her rotten luck. She was working on a large doomsday device which sits in the canyon between her hive and Equius', not far from the lair where her gigantic spider lusus sits. Part of the reason she FLARPed was to get victims to feed her lusus. She's not sure how many she actually has killed, maybe a few thousand, but it's this extreme end that isolated her from most of her friends.

When Sollux and Terezi start rounding up players for the Sgrub session, Vriska ends up getting kicked out onto the Red Team when Karkat contacts her. Though she was initially offended, she agreed. She, unfortunately, had to connect to Tavros, and she just "can't stand that guy". But when she did, she takes her time making his Hive unamangable for a handicapped troll to even navigate. Once in the game, Vriska took Tavros to go on a series of side quests on her own planet so that she could gain All The Levels. All of them.

During one of her quests, Aradia (in her new robot body) decided to show Vriska how much she appreciated her shenanigans by beating the crap out of her. Half-dead, Tavros attempted to kiss her in order to revive her, but Vriska, instead, tries to get Tavros to kill her on her Quest Bed in order to reach God Tier. He couldn't bring himself to do it and she bled to death, but still achieved the same end result.

Once Propsit and Derse were destroyed in the troll's session they come upon the kids' in their computer lab on a meteor in The Viel. This is when Vriska involved herself in the events that sent the prototyped Jack to their session as well. It turns out that with her powers, she had been responsible for Jade's narcolepsy as well as putting the other kids to sleep or waking them up when she saw fit, which caused them to prototype different sprites, for starters, leading to the creation of Bec Noir. She attempted to troll John, but after finding out Terezi has already tried to help him, decided to make a contest out of it where she would show John the "true meaning of helpfulness". In the process, she ended up developing feelings for him and even confides in him, saying that she really does feel bad about all the horrible things she's done to her friends, and that her wanting to fight Jack Noir wasn't just for the glory, but to save them too. Vriska said that humans may have it easier, and later in her final message to him, Vriska asked him out on a date.

It's a request that will end up unfulfilled, however. She left him with a "8R8" when Terezi appeared in her FLARPing costume. The two faced off for the last time. In one timeline Terezi let Vriska go, in the alpha, however, she got stabbed through the heart and bled to death again, John's messages back to her going unanswered.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): Vriska was born to a wizarding family in Bucharest, Romania. While this would normally be something to be proud of--as she does come from a rather high class family--her mother had her out of wedlock, and Vriska doesn't actually know who her father is. Her mother is known for being rather brash and doesn't care much for tradition. Thus, Vriska feels the need to overcompensate. The pair moved to Wilmslow, Cheshire in England when she was six, simply because her mother decided that she was bored with Romania. It was a good enough reason.

Ever since she was very young, she has been extremely competitive and never played well with other children. She always had to be the best at whatever she did. Dirty tricks were never out of the question if it meant her eventual success. Teasing was the nicest she could do, but her early learnings of magic were often used on her companions. For a while she became very involved in a dangerous form of live action role-playing with some other magically inclined children of her class. She never played fair, though, and often spent most of her time planning solo campaigns because no one else wanted to play against or alongside her. Her mother was never really bothered by this. (She might have been proud of it, even, if Vriska were asked.)

Despite this, and while she practically idolized her mother to the point of snopping through her things and playing dress up with her clothes, there was a certain distance Vriska wanted between them as well. She didn't want to be a carbon copy--she wanted to be better. So when she received her Hogwarts letter at age eleven, she was more than ready to leave.

Hogwarts was another venue to prove her skills, and she would prove them. To everyone. Though she is not what you would typically see as a model student, Vriska does apply herself quite a bit, if only so that she is top of her class. Always. It frustrats her indefinitely when she isn't, and sometimes it compells her to get rid of her competiion. She had a few favorites that she liked to harass more than others, simply because she found their responses amusing, even if they weren't a threat. This didn't make her very popular, but it's something she expected; it's lonely at the top.

That didn't stop her from actually wanting friends, though, she just ends up not knowing how to differentiate from bulling them into friendship and just plain bullying them.

Her favorite classes are Transfiguration and Charms, due to the fact that she likes the idea of being able to manipulate others into whatever manner or form she likes.

How would your character fit in to each House?

Gryffindor: The raw parts of this house would mesh with her well. She is very driven and doesn't stand down in the face of adversity. But it's not quite placed in the same way it should be. What she stands up for is herself, given that there's not a lot of people who are worthy of her attention, or that she can trust (or trust her in return). Vriska isn't chivalrous in any manner. When she does have good intentions, it's a little misconstrued.

Hufflepuff: The only person she is really loyal to is herself, with a small exception to a close circle of friends that still need to watch their backs, anyway. Fair play is laughable, but she will more than likely give you a hard time if cheating is used to her disadvantage, regardless. While she wouldn't be considered as intolerant as some of her canon counterparts, she still has a distaste for different points of view. Though she is a hard worker and can become almost obsessive with certain interests or activities, that is really about the only trait she adequately displays for this House.

Ravenclaw: Despite the fact that she can do some pretty stupid things, Vriska is far from an idiot. Considering she does have to be the best at everything she does, she is learned and dedicates herself completely to whatever has her obsession at the moment. She is intelligent in that manner. Vriska can be quite snarky, though it's debatable whether that is considered wit or not. She can be creative in the way she likes to construe her campaigns as well as her harassing of others.

Slytherin: Ambition is something that Vriska defines herself by, driven by her need to be the best. She is very dominate and likes to be in control of the situation, as well as those around her. She can be dangerously cunning, especially to undermine others or to get what she wants. This comes hand in hand with her resourcefulness and her ability to manipulate situations and others to meet her needs, even when it seems that she has the short stick. She is also a Pure Blood.

Sample Journal Entry: Ah, finally I've 8een able to find ink in this color. You'd think they would 8e more accomod8ing to our needs. We ARE the future here, aren't we?
Well, whatever.
Another year 8egins and I'm already 8ored out of my mind! 8ut I'm not surprised, really. Let's face it, there's hardly anyone here who's providing me a suita8le challenge. To think I have another four years of this, I might just go crazy!
Well, it's to 8e expected. There is o8viously no proper place for a witch of my cali8ur.
Ugh, 8ut the other day Mother sent me a message from her drunk owl right in the middle of dinner! I swear I am going to turn that thing into a chicken and have it for lunch as soon as I can figure out how!
How did I end up getting such rotten luck? UGH!!!!!!!!
Okay. Fine. I can handle this!
8esides, I think it's time for Quidditch pr8ctice. I'm sure I can make it much more interesting.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: It was cold outside, but she didn't really seem to either notice or care. In a simple coat and scarf, Vriska sat alone at a bench in the main courtyard. She hadn't been alone for long, though. The group of students sitting there before simply didn't know how to appreciate her sense of humor! But really, what could you expect from a bunch of Hufflepuffs? She had only wanted to get to know them. So disappointing.

Though, she admittedly was a little disappointed when a few members of her own house ignored her. Well, she didn't need them anyway.

Vriska huffed, a puff of warm air floating in front of her mouth before disappearing. “Not like I caaaaaaaare…” Except she did, and she knew she did, but denial was a much nicer place to be. Flipping a lock of her long hair over her shoulder, she turned her attention back to the large book sitting on her lap. She flipped to the next page, running her finger down long lines of text until she found a single passage. One blue nail tapped over the spell.


It seemed that she did, in fact, have at least some of the luck, because once she tore her eyes from the page and looked towards the other edge of the bench, a small spider made its appearance. Her lips curve it a smirk as she leans over, watching its little legs working hard to carry it along the stone. Pulling her wand out of her sack, she gave it a whirl above the tiny creature.

“Fera Verto~”

In an instant, the tiny spider exploded into an even tinier, and a little disfigured water goblet. With spider legs. Much too thin for its new body.

She just laughed as it waddled off awkwardly.

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