So I'm feeling all barfy...ugh...thats one of the reasons why I'm not doing anything productive.
Work was crap, as usual and my two (i swear to god that they are gay angela) coworkers followed me home since they were going same way. *sigh*
My parents are in Barbados so I have the house to myself...somehow thats not as thrilling as a thought as it once was...
>.< and wtf, why won't rinkya get back to me on that damn h.naoto shirt that I bid on! wtfux.
*yawn* And my petticoat is still fucked up, so I have to fix it by Lolita Friday otherwise i'll have to wear this stupid BtSSB replica petticoatless...which usually looks quite bad in my opinion. >.< And wtf why is everyone getting Vivienne westwood shoes off Y!J for mad cheap and whenever i look they're like 389430948304803840398403984039843 yen!? WTF. I'll still buy the knockoffs from doubledecker, but I don't really like how the back of the shoe has that..ribbon loop thing...feh.
oh yeah...nats the gods of red plaid do not hate me anymore! i have red plaid fuxing pants baby. >.< what i've wanted since the bloody dawn of frigging time. w00t! too bad I probably can't wear it to work...fucking dress code. Now i want yellow plaid overalls so i can do a mini-cosplay of
yomi. XD (sans the jacket though, because those cost a bajillion dollars.)
Oh. On the latest news, The Brooklyn Public Library and the MCU bank are currently working in tangent to screw me up the ass lubeless when it comes to my paycheck. First off, the library gives me this direct deposit which I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR, so where the heck did my money go...then MCU's saying I only have like 15 bucks in my account so I want to know where the heck did my money go, considering I haven't used that MCU account in like a year.Not to mention the 50 dollar check from my aunt that they wont deposit because my ID needs to be "scanned" but they can't scan it without my mother...which is not happening because she's a workaholic. >.< is my paycheck just floating around in outerspace somewhere? Is someone else living the good damn life!? will I ever get off my lazy ass and fix this goddamn petticoat!? the answers to these questions and more next time!
...ok yeah see, being sick makes me weird. I think I've rather gotten used to this routine. Waking up, going to work, coming home, staying on the computer/watchingtv/read shit until the next day. I only venture outside after work when I go to asahiya. My social life is like a zero, and the best thing about it is that I don't really care. XD.