Mar 07, 2012 16:58
I've been doing a lot of living in my head, thinking, dreaming and reading lately.
It's my "hibernation" phase I seem to go through every few months. It will pass, it always does.
I've done some real-world living too, went to a job fair, a couple of hockey games, dealt with some (still-unfolding) drama with the theatre group- but nothing too earth-shattering.
Nothing ever really came of my renewed acquaintance with Ronnie- but what's new there? I have the feeling he'll pop back up here.. he does that.
I'm going to John's to watch the Sabres game tomorrow night. Don't worry, I'm not holding a torch for him, I'm just enjoying his company- he's fun to hang with. No ulterior motive, no hoping he'll change his mind, just chillin with someone who is fun.
And on that note, there's Eric. He probably needs his own post. I'll get to it eventually. I just realized today that I haven't posted in a month and I feel badly about that. (refer back to the first line)
nothing has changed, nothing much usually does in my life. When I have something concrete to talk about, I'll be back. Or when I can get these words out of my head (sometimes that's hard to do when you're me).
Today feels like spring- and this time it's okay, because it almost *is* Spring! With spring comes growth and renewal, and maybe this is the year that something exciting is going to happen in my personal (or professional, or, dare I hope, both?) life. Hope is eternal, and never moreso than in the springtime. At least it feels that way to me. (I'm an optimist, no matter how hard I try to be jaded.)
Maybe I need to write a poem. or a song parody (save it for the hockey blog, since they are invariably about hockey) Maybe I should blog over at my hockey blog, I've been neglecting it too. As much time as I spend online wasting my life away on twitter and facebook, I can't manage to put down anything long enough to qualify as an lj-entry or a blog post. Yeesh what IS my problem?
P.S. At this time last year, I arrived home from my Australian adventure. :) That was fun. I don't mind not being jet-lagged this time this year though.. LOL That was BRUTAL.