Ah my life is fun of fun. (well sometimes it really IS fun and sometimes its sarcastic "fun") This is a sarcasm moment.
I am on my period. (*gross.. tmi I'm sure- cut if youdon't want to read)
so I have death cramps and gross bloating and just ugh. And Sunday is the Renaissance Festival- and it's going to be hot so ewww.. but at least by then it'll be on the way out, rather than raging. Yeah, again sorry 'bout the tmi.
Anyway.. my car is broken again. Grr. Remember last May/June when I had to drop $2000 into her? Well I was just about to finish paying that off (along with that stupid excuse for a hockey gm/scouting waste of time class I took last fall) and now I'm going to be hit with a nice bill for brake pads/shoes, rotors and calipers. yeah, no idea how much it's all going to be.. probably not less than $500. GRR. :(
That's about all for now.. is it hockey season yet? I am SO ready for hockey. I got my first issues of The Hockey News in the mail yesterday (re-upped my subscription a few weeks ago because I miss it!) Yay for hockey! :)