That link will take you to view my photos from the Lake Placid trip, as well as some shots of the nephews, and Renee's commissioning event. :) I'm lazy so I'm not putting them all here but you can check them all by clicking clicking..
Last night we went to see Transformers. It was pretty good. (not maybe the best movie ever! as everbody is saying, but worth the money for sure. The effects were good and everything seemed to pretty much jive with what I remembered of the show (which is not a ton, but enough). Optimus Prime was pimp, of course. The plot was good, and moved along. The "token girl" wasn't too annoying, she was even kinda cool sometimes. The air force planes were hot and make me all hot and bothered LOL (you think I'm joking here.. hahah) Ole Shia Lebeouf was pretty cute too.. he's grown up a bit from his Even Stevens days, hasn't he?
oh and they are just leaving it wiiiide open for a sequel.. I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Since we went to the drive-in (oh and it POURED down rain and there was lightning which was kinda cool and interesting fit into the movie pretty well) there were 2 movies, the second was Evan Almighty and it was amusing. I wasn't that thrilled by Bruce Almighty back when it came out but I liked this one better, it was cute.
So I've still gotta check out Harry Potter.... Maybe sometime next week, but the boys are going to be at Scout Camp so we might wait till the week after. We'll see. I'm getting mixed reviews... so we'll see. I am looking forward to it, whenever it happens.
um.. I don't know what else to say. Not much going on. Tomorrow is another hot dog sale.. whoopie. It shouldn't be too hot though, so that is a good thing. Tonight I'm just taking it easy, gonna read a bit and such.. peace out!