yeah yeah.
fun weekend. Dani and Brett were here, they got in on Friday night, so we chilled around on Sat and watched movies and stuff. then we went to church at Alex's cub scout camp, that was an interesting expereince, came home and ate tacos! and then... we watched some movies. yay for movies. heh heh heh
Renee' came yesterday! so we just hung out during the day, and then we had supper with Cub Scouts and B and D left. 'Nee, Leah and I watched movie previews and music videos for a long time last night cuz there was nothing else on. LOL
today we just hung out till 'Nee had to leave.
now it's time to get back on top of things... I have to call the insurance peeps and get the best deal cuz I have to become a NY citizen since my Utah license plates expire at the end of the month. meh. but I've done some quick quotes online and it looks like Allstate will be super awsome cheap.. and that would make me waaaay happy cuz NY insurance is more than anywhere else I've lived. *but I'm also about to turn 25 which means it goes down! SWEET ACTION!* SO I need insurance so I can get my drivers license and plates. blaaah on that. I gotta spend money. meh.
in 2 weeks 'Nee and I leave for the trip! We'll be in Dayton for about a week, then on to a Counting Crows/Goo GOo Dolls show in VA Beach and then down to Tally to see Emmy!!! then off to Louisiana to visit the fam down there. It should be great fun. Danni *my youngest sis* is joining us. :)
oh and hey, I got a $101.43 check from the cable company the other day! yay overpayment! free money! I can use that to partially fund the trip. and I get paid this week so that's nice too. money is gooooood. :)
that's about all I Have to say today. Time to flee, grab a snack and get my read on. I love to read. I am currently reading Starpilot's Grave which is the 2nd book in the Mageworlds Books. (it's mainly a trilogy- The Price of the Stars, Starpilot's Grave, and By Honor Betray'd, a prequel The Gathering Flame and then some ramdoms. I've read the main trilogy and the prequel. I own The Long Hunt but I haven't read all of it, I don't think? or maybe I have.. anyway I'm not sure where it is.. and there are one or 2 more floating Mageworlds books, but the trilogy is by far the best. Some of the awsomest books I've ever read. Sci-fi/Fantasy goodness. To me, they are like STAR WARS meets Alanna (
read about Alanna here and it's just some good ole fashioned, deep-space, swashbuckling fun! ;)
Read about The Price of the Stars
here Seriously one of the coolest books ever! I read it years and years ago, it was a random find at the library.. I liked the cover. GREAT book, then I discovered there were others, but couldn't track 'em down at the lib and had to wait till I had some cash to buy them. it was worth it. READ THEM! ;)
so yeah, back to me sweet books!