I love my shiney new toy ^_^

Aug 18, 2005 23:09

Ok so my last few posts have been mostly downers so this one is completly positive. Spent part of this mornign and afternoon hanging with Sarah which as always a most enjoyable thing to do. Then later in the afternoon I went to D&B with Chris and his friend Mike today. Mikes a cool guy, likes games, and the only thing going against him is hes a astros fan but I can forgive him for his delusion that thay have a decent team >P. Hey any man who can stomach gueniss is a ok in my book.

I totaly owned at mechwarrior mostly by ganking everyone but hey a kills a kill. And its official I totaly rock at getting tickets. I got over a thousand tickets with just 12 attempts at the spinning lights game. My hand eye coordination is extreme. Didnt get quite enough for the vodka shooters set so Ill just save em till next time.

After D&B Chris and me hit the mall for dinner and went for a rousing mall crawl. You know granted Im 26 and I should have outgrown this back in highschool but there is just something about walking around a mall talking with my friends that I find relaxing, almost zen like in nature. It probably stems back to being dragged through the mall with my mom and sisters when I was a kid. Granted I hated standign around while they tried on clothes but going through the rest of the mall was always a blast. So anyway we stopped into DNA Comics to see what was new and I was perusing the bargain bin. And thats where I saw it. One of my most favorite things when I was a kid. A duncan yo-yo. Oh but not just any duncan yo-yo nope a duncan HYPER MIDNIGHT yo-yo. And best of all it was just 5 bucks. So I have spent the rest of the night breaking in my new yo-yo. I can still do around the world with it!!! Its amazing how sometimes the smallest things can bring you the greatest joys. As I throw that yo-yo over and over I keep thinking back to doing the same thing when I was a kid. Working so hard to get it to work over and over until that one spectacular time when I came back up and I caught it. I was king of the world that day. What a great memory.

It reminds me of a few months ago at work. It was a long day I worked nonstop and didnt even get a lunch till an hour before I left which wasnt much just spaghetti os and a turkey sandwich. But that simple lunch reminded me of my lunches back when I was a kid and ate the exact same thing when life was simple and the worst thing I had to worry about was finishing my homework so I could go play till I passed out. And that little memory made it a good day in the end. So as I finish this post typing with one hand (because the other is playing with the yo-yo) I have to say this was a great day. Not because anything too wonderful or spectacular happend. But because I got to spend it with a beautiful lady, some good and I got to relive being a kid again even if it was just in a memory.
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