I've been wondering about the appropriateness of scanning and/or transcribing my old out-of-print zines lately -- is it appropriate to do? Should I only do it if I have permission? If I can't get permission from the author for whatever reason, should I leave out their story?
I just don't know the answers to any of those. I love the idea of being able to share some of my favorite works, ones that have either disappeared from the 'net or never quite made it there in the first place. I know that if
The Foresmutters Project hadn't taken the time to transcribe some of the older ST zine stories, I never would have had the pleasure of reading 'This Deadly Innocence' or 'The Prize'. I'd love to be able to do that for a couple of other stories and fandoms.
I don't want to step on any toes, though. I don't want to start transcribing or scanning and then have the author or old fans come at me with pitchforks, especially since I only plan on doing it because I want to share the stories with others. You know, so I can chatter about them with someone else and not just have to think to myself how good they are.