Aug 12, 2009 01:32
Does it make me a bad person to be a little upset at another person's happiness because I am not the one causing it? I must just be a jealous person, this happens too often. I want to mean it when I say, 'as long as it makes you happy'. I want to be a good, nice person.
In other news, I went blueberry picking today! I also caught two tiny tiny as small as the tip of my finger frogs! There will be pictures when it's not 2:30 am. There was also the beginging of the metor shower. I didn't stay out long because Trev didn't want to stay out long, dad is back hom, and I'm terrified of being out there by myself. If Trevor hadn't taken away my flash light and the deer/raccoons/manbearpig would stop crashing around in the woods immediately to my sides, I might have been okay with that, but things being as they were i wasn't. Saw a few beauties though.
All in all a good day. Except for this dull ache in my chest.