
Apr 15, 2011 09:49

So, we're getting gutters on our house today. Huzzah. Also, going shopping and picking up Dealthy Hallows pt 1 and watching it tonight as a part of family movie night.

I talked with my mom and it was good. We didn't discuss much, but I figure I'll take it week by week and see how it goes.

In other, more fandomy news, I really need to learn how to finish a fic. Really. I've got another Parks & Rec fic about 3/4th done and I've started a new one. Still working on a BTR fic and massive follow-up, which may never see the light of day. Got CSI on the way back burner... and that makes me sad. And I'm still typing away at a 21 page and counting Heroes fic in my own AU and an outline for a possible 4th in that series.

Not to mention (but I am) I still have lots of pages written on A-Team movie fic, Dragon Age (seriously self, wtf?) and outlines for H5O. I also have seriously considered the US version of Being Human. Oh, and if you haven't caught that show, watch it.

I think I need to seriously lock myself in a room and not leave until I finish something.

Oh, but speaking of fic (and Parks & Rec)... does anyone watch that show and would be willing to let me bounce ideas / possible beta? I feel I have a good grasp on four of the mains, but the rest of the cast is kind of elluding me. Anyone? Please?

Got another kids party this weekend (that's like six in a month) and lots of Easter shopping to do. Ugh.

rl: ramble, writing: muse, rl: family, writing: gen

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