abc's of me meme

Nov 03, 2009 18:41

Stolen from oh_whimsical... an ABC about me!


? Available: No.
? Age: 33
? Annoyance: I get really annoyed when I feel like I'm not being heard. Which, with three kids, happens a lot.
? Allergies: Dust/Cats/Bermuda Grass/Cockroaches (nasty!)/nearly everything in Florida.
? Animal: Elephants are my favorite animal.
? Actor: Right now, Jim Parsons.


? Beer: Ick, no.
? Birthday/Birthplace: June 7th in Bakersfield, CA
? Best Friends: My husband, for one. Debbie back in CA, as another.
? Body part on opposite sex: Shoulders.
? Best feeling in the world: Seeing my girls light up when they met the Disney princesses.
? Blind or Deaf: Well, I couldn't do without music, so blind.
? Best weather: Crisp, autumn breezes.
? Been in Love: Yes. And I married him. :)
? Been bitched out?: Not in a very long time.
? Been on stage?: Yes. Was in the band, choir and some minor drama stuff.
? Believe in yourself?: Yes.
? Believe in life on other planets: Yes.
? Believe in miracles: Yes.
? Believe in Magic: The magic of miracles? Yes.
? Believe in God: I'm more agnostic.
? Believe in Satan: I believe in evil.
? Believe in Santa: Yes... and you do too when you visit my house in front of my kids. (I also believe in lies, obviously).
? Believe in Ghosts/Spirits: Yes.
? Believe in Evolution: Yes.


? Car: I have a minivan. Yeah.
? Candy: Red Vine licorice.
? Color: Purple.
? Cried in school: Oh yes.
? Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate.
? Chinese/Mexican: Mexican (that one hurt).
? Cake or pie: Cake.
? Countries to visit: Ireland, Australlia, France, Greece, Tokyo, Italy, Canada... just about everywhere and anywhere!


? Day or Night: Night
? Dream vehicle: VW Bug
? Danced: I have two left feet.
? Dance in the rain?: Yes! And played frisbee. ;)
? Dance in the middle of the street?: Yes... it's called Ybor City.
? Do the splits?: No. No, no. No.


? Eggs: Scrambled, fried or put in an omelete.
? Eyes: Hazel. No, really.
? Everyone has: something they are good at.
? Ever failed a class?: Yes.


? First crush: Is it stupid, that at 33, I still don't want to say it for fear of it getting out? Maybe I should look into that.
? First thoughts waking up: Stupid DJ.
? Food: I wish I was a better cook. Done right, food is like art.


? Greatest Fear: The dentist.
? Giver or taker: I think I'm a giver.
? Goals: Write something I love.
? Gum: I don't care for it much.
? Get along with your parents?: We've got a realtionship... that pretty much says it all.
? Good luck charms: My pink Pats hat.

? Hair Colour: Brown and going gray.
? Height: 5'4"
? Happy: Mostly, yes.
? Holidays: I love Halloween and Christmas.
? How do you want to die: In my sleep.
? Health freak?: No.
? Hate: Ignorance.


(In guys/girls)
? Eye Color: My husband's are blue... but it honestly doesn't matter to me. It's what's behind the eyes.
? Hair Color: I like dark hair.
? Height: Tall. :)
? Clothing Style: As long as they are neat and clean...
? Characteristics: A laugher; a thinker; a doer; a dreamer. :)
(/end in guys/girls)
? Ice Cream: Mint and Chip... and Cherry Garcia.
? Instrument: Piano, a bit and the flute. Also, a wicked recorder!


? Jewelry: Just my little band of gold.
? Job: I have three kids, they are my job.


? Kids: Three. A boy and two girls.
? Kickboxing or karate: Karate.
? Keep a journal?: A live journal... but not very well.


? Longest Car Ride: From Las Vegas to Tampa... this past summer. With a boy and a girl and a cat and I lost a tooth. It was dreadful.
? Love: I love my family and my friends.
? Letter: I used to be very good at this... and then the internet happened.
? Laughed so hard you cried: Yes. All the time.
? Love at first sight: I don't believe in it. :(


? Milk flavor: Fat-free and plain!
? Movie: Apollo 13. Seriously, I can watch the heck out of this movie!
? Mooned anyone?: No.
? Marriage: Yes. The first ten years weren't bad... we'll see how I feel after another tehn.
? Motion sickness?: If I try and read in the car, yes.
? McD's or BK: Ick. In 'N Out Burger ruined me for all other fast food joints.


? Number of Siblings: Two, a sister and a brother (both older).
? Number of Piercings: Once in each ear.
? Number: Any combination of 6 and 7.


? Overused Phrases: "Sure"; "Oh my God"; "Awesome"; "Crap"
? One wish: Debt Free!
? One phobia: Anyone touching my neck.


? Place you'd like to live: I'd like to live near/in Boston.
? Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi.


? Quail: Um, sure?
? Questionnaires: They don't bother me.


? Reason to cry: I don't even want to think about it.
? Reality T.V.: Is awesome, when it's in a game format.
? Radio Station: 93.3 FLZ!
? Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yes!


? Song: I've been singing Sweet Caroline since the last episode of Glee.
? Shoe size: 9 1/2.
? Sushi: Yes!
? Skipped school: No.
? Slept outside: Yes, in the backyard when I was younger.
? Seen a dead body?: No.
? Smoked?: No.
? Skinny dipped?: Not entirely.
? Shower daily?: Yes.
? Sing well?: In my head, I am Mariah.
? In the shower?: Yes!
? Swear?: Yes.
? Stuffed Animals?: I have one beat up old teddy bear that I refuse to part with.
? Single/Group dates: Dates? What is this date you speak of?
? Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries.
? Scientists need to invent: Teleportation pads! That, and I'm still waiting on my jet pack.


? Time for bed: Around 10pm.
? Thunderstorms: I live in Florida. You either grow to love them or you move.
? Touch your tongue to your nose? No, but I can't touch my lips to my nose. Does that count?


? Unpredictable: No. Not really.
? Under the influence?: Right now, no. I do drink a few on occasion.
? Understanding?: I try to be.


? Vegetable you hate: Brussel sprouts.
? Vegetable you love: Squash.
? Vacation spot: Las Vegas.. no, that's a joke. Um... I enjoy the mountains and woods. Honestly, I don't have a favorite vacation spot.


? Weakness: My three year old. She knows just how to get her way.
? When you grow up: I'm never growing up.
? Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Debbie.
? Who makes you laugh the most: April.
? Worst feeling: Anxiety.
? Wanted to be a role model?: Yes. I try to everyday.
? Where do we go when we die: I don't know.
? Worst weather: Desert heat.
? Walk with a book on your head?: Yes, I can.


? X-Rays: Once, when I had pneumonia. I thought I'd cracked a rib.


? Year it is now: 2009
? Yellow: "And I do not want to be a rose. I do not wish to be pale pink, but flower scarlet, flower gold. And have no thorns to distance me,but be bright, bright, bright as yellow, warm as yellow." 'Bright as Yellow' by The Innocence Mission.


? Zoo animal: Elephants!
? Zodiac sign: Gemini

lj: meme

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