Valdell - Round 16 - 24. Holmquist (Iggy)

Sep 13, 2022 21:06

Welcome back to Valdell!
Might as well keep pushing out these updates while I have the energy!
Honestly I am in the second trimester of pregnancy, 23 weeks today exactly!, and every night this week I've had heart burn so focusing on Valdell has helped a lot.
I decided to take the plunge and move all of my Sims notes/stats from my note app to the website Notion. I made a new sim chart on Notion and moved over most of my sims! Omg that was a lot of typing. 122 sims I moved over! And I know that wasn't all of them because I was really slacking on note taking last round. :P Anyways, enough rambles!
This is a shorter update. :)

Last Time: Iggy graduated university and moved out on his own! He rolled to live in an apartment, so he moved into this apartment lot I built a lifetime ago. (I'll dig up the link somewhere.)
Iggy was adopted by Noel Holmquist when he was teenager. (So the game named him Iggy :P) As a teenager, he had a few love interests, including Fidel Hustler, Joy Kosmokos, Allea Ghost. Oh, and he unknowingly has twin daughters with Fidel Hustler, who we will meet soon.
This Time: Decorate for a holiday! NOPE

Apartment tour! Iggy's apartment is tiny, but it's the perfect size for him.

Iggy Holmquist (he/him)
Popularity/Fortune - LTW Become Professional Party Guest
Daredevil | Brooding | Childish | Dramatic | Evil

Anyways I had no plans or ideas for what to do with Iggy, so his life path was placed in the hands of a list randomizer!
And he rolled to open a gas station!
Luckily I had one downloaded and in town as decoration, so hell yes!
A loan was taken out, and Triumph Gas Station (found here by Fuzzyspork) was now in his name.

Triumph Gas Station isn't far from Iggy's apartment, and it's in prime location between town and Valdell University.

No need to waste time not making money!
Iggy was off to run his business first thing next morning.

He sells snacks, souvineers and magazines.

His first day proved to be quite lucky!

Even with poor skills on the cash register

The next day, Iggy invited his woohoo partner over to see his new place.

Iggy has truthfully had the want locked to marry Allea Ghost since they started messing around in university, but he knows that Allea isn't ready for that! And quite frankly, either is Iggy.

Is that a plumbob in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?

Allea visited Iggy at the gas station the next day

She was quite impatient with his cashier skills xD

Iggy decided to head to Flamingoes and relax with some drinks and pool

He wasn't expecting to hit it off with Elise Topaz, though

Allea came in so Iggy and Elise went out back for some private time together

I took a peek at his top chemistry sims and Iggy shares THREE BOLTS with Allea's MOTHER lmao

TLDR from my notes!:
Iggy settled down into his tiny apartment downtown Valdell. He wasn't sure what to do with his life, so a dice was rolled and he landed on opening a convenience store! Which fits because his LTW is to reach the top of the slacker career. So, he purchased Triumph Gas Station and got to work. His little store opened well, positioned right between the university campus and town. It has reached rank 3. He still has a large loan to pay off, though... Meanwhile, Ig still has a childhood dream of marrying Allea Ghost. They are best friends with benefits, but he knows that rushing into marriage or anything isn't her style. (Or his, really.) He is fine to date around for a bit and see what happens.

- This was a short update! Mostly because Iggy spent most of it working. Business is going well!
- I don't think Iggy will ever find out about his twin daughters, Nora and Misty. Maybe in the future. Their other father, Fidel, sure isn't going to tell them! Or Iggy


mine, sims 2, valdell, bacc, ts2

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