I've been pretty busy this summer. I ended up flying back to South Dakota for a couple weeks before school started last Wednesday. Senior year. Finally. haha. So I'll get started on updating the Pollinations asap. Last night I played a few families in my old hood, just to get back into the feel of the game. Here are some very random pictures from it.
I'm pretty sure this is Abraham Bee by charterzard
Bekah Viking by charterzard is in the background, and India and Fallacy by charterzard are here, too.
Lucy Pinkstone is by meeee. <3
Here's shy Mason Haggerty. I had an update about him once. He's so awkward and adorable. <3
He found love with this townie, with whom he has 3 bolts with. (I totally aged her down into an adult, though. XD)
Their kitty, Oscar. <3
drlkfsdkfsdf I am so in love with Mason and Veronique. They are the cutest couple I've had in game in ages. BUT As soon as I clicked on the "Save Game" button. The damn game crashed. fml.