. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on ...
With questions from the lovely
xlovelylightx 1. If you could make ONE ship canon, which ship would that be?
The problem here is that I'm into waaay too many things! Hmmmm.... I think it'd have to be Guy/Marian. I know, I know! Not only is it impossible, but it's also such a total departure from canon (and Robin Hood is about as serious as you can get, what with the canon being ancient) that it could never happen. What can I say? I am a total sucker for redemption stories.
2. Which is more epic? Pride and Prejudice? Or Merlin?
Aaaah! How can I choose? On the one hand, we have Regency era shenanigans, witty banter, and Elizabeth Bennet plus Mr. Darcy. On the other, we have bastardizations of medieval literature, magic, adventure, and really really hot english actors. Hmmm. I get a lot more animated watching Merlin than reading P&P (mostly because it looks kind of dumb to yell at a book, and I do already know the plot preeeetty well), but I think Pride and Prejudice is more epic, just because it's Pride and Prejudice. I love Merlin to pieces, but I think Pride and Prejudice is more epic. Just... well, it's Pride and Prejudice!
3. If you could write a novel, what would you write about?
Any book I write will invariably be some wacky fantasy/sci-fi thing, possibly involving vampires and definitely involving insanity. Outside of fantasy and other dorky stuff, maybe mysteries. Mystery writers can do anything! Set their novels anywhere! I'd also probably want to center my mysteries in ballroom. Just because that'd be fun, and I probably wouldn't have to do that much research. Or rather, the research I'd do would be tons of fun. I could be like Dick Francis, but American and with a lot more rhinestones!
4. Are you close to your Irish heritage? In any way?
Weeeeell, sort of. I am automatically scornful of anyone from Northern Ireland. I don't forgive people who do bad things to me or my friends and family (I mean big stuff. Little things I usually can't remember for very long). I'm really really morbid. Um. And superstitious! I think it's not so much Irish heritage as Irish American, if that makes sense. My family's strongly Irish, but we've been over here for so long that it isn't really genuine Irishosity anymore. I also love potatoes. Mmmm. Potatoes.
5. Are there any animes you're planning on watching any time soon?
Hmmm. I started watching Soul Eater, which was really awesome! And the anime club at school is watching Gurran Lagann, which I haven't seen yet. It's mostly insane and ridiculous, but also kind of fun! I'm just so out of the anime habit, I don't know what's out there that I should be watching. Any recommendations?