hallo hallo hallo to all! I am in a super-duper mood today, cuz I've only been up for abouts 2 and a half hours. YAY FOR AWESOME SLEEPOVERS!
And it was there that i got the inspiration for today's list! Cuz Beauty and the Beast is made of awesome.
Though, honestly, i can't lie and say that I haven't had immense and in-depth conversations about this topic with various friends and acquaintences. Cuz i have. on a regular basis, honestly. i think it's one of those things that every girl needs to discover and disect for herself. Like a right-of-passage type of thing.
1) the beast (beauty and the beast)
PRE blonde tranformation, of course. and that strange reverse-puberty where his voice rose fice octaves. brr... that was terrifying.
But the beast is awesome! Mainly because he's such a dork. I mean, that whole scene with him and Belle in the snow, and at dinner, blah blah blah, he's so CUTE! and fuzzy. I was watching it with my buddy and she said she wanted to pet him and watch him wag his tail XDDDDD
but we figured out that according to the movie, he would be around 11 when he got cursed. Cuz the rose was supposed to die when he was 21... and then in 'Be Our Guest' Lumiere (hearts! hearts!) says they've been entranced for 10 years. Hmmm... aah! continuity! continuity! my brain!
here's somehting I've been thinking about for a while too, for all those peoples who have "Beauty and the Beast" complexes (i.e. ok, he's horrible, but I can change him!) This story isn't really about that. It's much more about how Belle could look past the fangs, fur, horns, etc etc, and see the sad little dweeb in need of some loving on the inside. That's my take on it, anyways.
2)aladdin (aladdin)
yay for street rats! What is it about Aladdin that makes him so fabulous? Is it that goofy grin? Those snappy retorts and rapier wit? Or is it, in fact, the amount of skin revealed by that little vest? We may never know. What we DO know is that Aladdin is made of awesome. it's the air he breathe and the food he eats. Case in point- the entire first number he's in, where he races through Agrabah and outiwts the pudgy guards. bua ha ha ha. he's awesome, and he knows how to stick it to the MAN! and even how to hook up with the man's daughter. Now that's skill.
3) shang (mulan)
*sigh* ok, what's not to love? Other than the hunky part of shang (whic is veeeeery nice) he is also super cool. He leads his group of shmucks to victory, handles his father's death like a champ, and is in general full of ass-kickery.
Another interesting thing: In Mulan, Shang and Mulan NEVER kiss. After he finds out she's a girl in fact, he sorta freaks out and leaves her on a snowy mountain all alone (yes, yes, i KNOW he spares her life. I'm just pointing out that many fangirly types would have had him start drooling over her then and there). And they do kick serious ass a team as well.
I think they do end up together in the sequel, yes? I refuse to see it, since i love Mulan too much to have it ruined. Grr.
4)peter pan
this one is not so typical, i know. But i love peter. Embarassingly much, really. I know the eyebrows are insane, and that no one should wear green tights, but i can't help it! I just think he's super cool!
i really fell in love with peter in the live-action one starring Jeremy Sumpter, but that's by Universal and thus disqualified. But Peter is still awesome! I can't explain my love for him, so i'm going to stop trying to.
But i would like to point out that Wendy is an air-head. Just needed to get that out in the open.
5)robin hood
robin hood WAS my childhood. no joke. I watched this movie more than any other as a child (well, ok, maybe I watched the Secret of Nimh more. but it was close). And I love robin hood. he's a foxy fox (ooooh i crack me up) and he's super awesome at serving dishes of sweet justice to goofy sheriff of nottingham (a pudgy badger) and the usurper King John (a weedy lion with no mane... *gasp* could it be John was actually a GIRL? no WONDER he's so fucked up!). Everyone loves an underdog, and robin is that to a T. plus he's awesomely slick and cool. That always adds to the appeal.
It's set during the Crusades, but it terribly innaccurate. usually I'd be whining about this (especially since i find the crusades fascinating), but it's a Disney movie! And it's not like that's ALL it's about.
But incidentally, i did find when stealing the above picture that robin hood was actually a send-up of Vietnam! The site where all this is is
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/showthread.php?t=474803 check it out, if i'm allowed to post this link. Veddy veddy interesting.
ta-da! so there we are. I busted my brain for this one, so i hope you're happy! there are so FEW awesome disney heros. That aren't totally indistinguishable from each other, that is.
So maybe to follow... best villains and prinsesses! bua ha ha! nothing shall stop me! NOTHING!