You know that you've squired to the right guy when he:
- Works until midnight, then goes back to work at 6am, and finally shows up in armour at the Household retreat an hour before the Shere Khan Tournament, and starts breakfast with a beer, or three;
- Then fights a 15-person "Meanest mother" (Free-for-all) with a great sword, without taking a break, for almost five hours straight (it was fought until someone had five wins. It went for more than 40 rounds), and gets four wins;even after his pants ripped and the drawstring broke, so that from about half-way through the tournament he was fighting with his pants around his KNEES(!!!) and being held up only by his greaves;
- with an elbow-cop falling off at one point;
- with his gauntlets being hit so hard that it ripped a rivet out, exposing his hands, and leading to a severely smashed finger...
That is how I define card-carrying, bad-ass.