Home Again Finnigan Minnigan

May 21, 2007 12:06

Mmmmmmhhhmmmmmm. It is good to be back. You know what I missed most about Western Massachusetts, the place that birthed and raised me? The color. Not the family, not the friends, not the smells, not the sounds. I missed the green. I missed seeing the black sky covered in pinpricks of light over deep green hills that seem to surround you no matter where you look. I missed the green, so bright after a rain that it almost hurts your eyes, in the leaves of every tree. I missed flowers hot pink and pale purple and all of it splashed across a backdrop as lushly earthy as the blossoms appear heavenly. I've seen things while I've been gone that have shocked and amazed me, sent shivers down my spine. Nothing takes my breath away or makes me feel more at home than the sight of verdant green wet grass covering a field right up to the treeline, and then disappearing into the blackest brown thicket imaginable. Thats home. God and I've been busy, and I've been crazy, and I've been damn near dead since I got here, but at least I'm loving every minute of it. I'm not being driven, I'm along for the ride, and a hell of a ride its gonna be.
So now I'm leaving again. Out to the other side of the country to get a glimpse at some crystaline waters and real mountains. I'm so incredibly  excited, but excited in a way that I'm in great expectation of being very relaxed and calm and having a lot of fun. Its going to be amazing to spend a week with my best friend, in a new place, meeting new people, doing new things, but always, always, having that anchor, that grounding  force that means that I've always got arms to fall back into and a shoulder on which to rest my head.
Also, there are so many developments in my life I don't even know how to begin catagorizing and labeling them all, but suffice to say that there's been a lot going on. I have not simply been foundering away in the boondocks since I got home. As a matter of fact I was only actually home for a day before I was off again (starting to feel bad about that seeing as I'm leaving again tomorrow, this time for a week). Its not the places I've been at or the things I've been doing though, its the people I've been with. For some unfathomable reason, I have been blessed with the greatest, craziest, strangest, most entertaining, incredibly unique and impressive friends in the world (not to toot thier horns too much :P) and for that pure and simply reason they have welcomed me back with loving arms. They haven't been waiting for me, no one is important enough to put your life on hold for, but they've been living, and becoming the people I always knew they would and since I've been doing a little of that here and there along the way... we've come back together to find that we fit once again into each other's lives. Not as we once did or were, but as we do and are now. Thats reassuring and exhilarating all at once.  Pretty much defines my life lately. Not to bad, not too shabby at all.

friends, vacation, colors, home, summer, developments

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