May 10, 2004 06:01
ok today has been a pretty shitty day i was sopposed to hang out with denea but i didnt because my mom said it was going to rain so there was no point and of course it didnt rain so that really sucked and then deneas mom smacked her in the face so she was pretty pissed and i kept on trying to cheer her up and it always works i dont know wh y but it alwyas does its pretty cool lol anyway 8 more days and me and denea will be going out for a month its so fucking great being with her she makes me so happy i just forget about any problems i had or anything when im with her shes just the best girlfriend in the world and i love her sooo much and my dad is being a fuckign asshole again and is making me get off the internet again so i have to go peace out and denea i love you