Girl On A Mission...

Sep 30, 2006 17:26

I have decided I have way too many claims out there. I need to finish some of them. I've got claims at the following places:

slash_100 - Sun/Kate (24/100)

100moods - Kate (14/100)

25_foods - Izzie (5/25)

fanfic100 - Meredith (5/100)

1sentence - Alex/Izzie (38/50, stuck on the last few)

I just applied for Lost General Series at
50_darkfics. This is starting to edge on ridiculous. I am not dropping any of these claims but I really need to finish at least one of these by the new year. And NaNoWriMo sign ups start TOMORROW. I've got a full plate. So this month (October) I am going to make an attempt to type and post the 26 stories I have ideas for. Yes, 26 at the moment. Basically what this means to you (my flist, and whoever else is lurking) is that I'll be making an attempt at posting something fic-wise everyday. Maybe twice. Plus, personal entries. That may mean I end up spamming your flist but I've got to do something at this point.

So yeah, I'm just letting everyone know my plan at the moment. I know a lot of the people on my flist are on there because they like my writing so this is probably sounding pretty darn good to you, but I am multi-fandom and I sometimes come up with some very weird pairings. That's not everyone's thing and I get that. If people get too annoyed with spammage then I might make a writing journal, I don't know at the moment.

Anyways, sorry for the long winded entry. Thank you for being a wonderful and understanding flist and have a good remainder of the day!
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