(no subject)

Sep 26, 2006 16:12

Title: I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith.
Prompt: #76 - Who for
Word Count: 1,091
Rating: PG-13
Progress: 5/100
Summary: More gossip about Meredith's sex life makes it's way through Seattle Grace.

Meredith didn’t know why the gossip at Seattle Grace was usually somehow related to her. It wasn’t like she was the only one who had sex in the hospital. God knows she’d heard Alex and Addison going at it in the on-call room enough times. But for some reason everyone seemed fixated on who Meredith was having sex with this week.

She’d been dragged into the closet right after rounds by her newest paramour and by lunchtime people were giggling when she walked by their tables on the way to the one she normally sat at. Easing into her seat, she looked at the three faces staring back at her and noted the missing one. “Where’s Izzie?”

“Running labs for the neuro case that just came in.” Cristina said, shoving a fork full of salad into her mouth. “So I heard you had some pretty hot sex this morning.”

“Cristina!” George exclaimed, even though Meredith didn’t look put off at all by the comment. She’d almost been expecting it. He turned his gaze on Meredith, “Were you having sex this morning?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I was.” She wasn’t going to try and hide it. Everyone already knew, so it was pointless to not just go ahead and admit it. There was nothing for her to be ashamed about anyway. “Why is everyone in this hospital so fascinated by my sex life anyway? It seems like I can’t turn a corner today without hearing my name.”

“Everyone knows you see more action in a week than most people do in a month.” Alex told her with a shrug. “Or a year in some people’s case.”

George caught Alex’s not so subtle nod to him. “Hey, I have a girlfriend okay. I have a personal life. Just because I don’t go around starting syphilis outbreaks doesn’t mean I don’t have sex.”

“You know Alex, I still haven’t figured out who’s on top. You or Dr. Montgomery Shepherd?” Meredith asked sweetly, demeaning payback for his comments. He stopped mid-bite to give her a glare. “I’m going to take a guess and say she is.”

“At least I’m not the home wrecker.” He shot back, obviously more than a little agitated by her observation. “She’s just getting what’s hers since you’re screwing her husband and letting the entire hospital know about it.”

Meredith raised her eyebrows as if to ask if he was seriously defending the woman who had been practically torturing ever since she’d put him on all her cases, and then shook her head. “I’m not having sex with Derek. I’m moving on, and putting all of that behind me.”

“Well then who are you having sex with?” Cristina asked, incredulously. “I doubt McVet is going to haul ass here just to do it in the supply closet. I doubt you’re that good.” She leaned in closer, her face contorting a little in disgust. “And you’re seriously doing it in the closet? You couldn’t find any place more sanitary?”

“It’s not that bad.” Meredith protested. Alex snorted and Cristina rolled her eyes. “It is a hospital.” She pointed out to them, even though she didn’t even really buy that excuse. “And no it’s not Finn either.”

“So it’s someone new. You picked some random overly-horny guy to have loud passionate sex with in various areas of the hospital.” Always the blunt one, Cristina didn’t act surprised when all eyes from the nearby tables ended upon her. She didn’t seem to care very much either. Meredith shook her head in response. “So not someone now.” Cristina paused in thought, before coming up with what promised to be an outrageous possibility. “What are you having sex with Alex too?”

“Yeah, right. Like that’s going to happen.” Meredith replied sarcastically, noting the mock hurt look on Alex’s face and rolling her eyes. “Sorry Alex.”

“That’s alright Grey, I wouldn’t do you either.” He told her, with a look that said otherwise. Besides, it was Alex, he’d probably have sex with Cristina given half the chance. Meredith shuddered at that mental image.

“Alright so if it’s not McDreamy, Alex, or the vet, then who the hell is it?” Cristina’s voice suddenly took on a stage whisper like volume, “It’s not George right? Because I thought you two would’ve learned from the last time.”

“No!” George and Meredith both said at the same time.

“Then who is it?” There was a begging tone in Cristina’s voice. “Come on Mer, you have to tell us. Otherwise we’re just going to starting listing off names until we find the right one.”

“Sorry, but my lips are sealed.” Meredith said, enjoying tormenting them far too much to just go ahead and tell them. Between this and the sex this morning it was shaping up to be a better day than she had expected when she’d first arrived.

“Hey guys.” Izzie greeted, as she came up to the table with her lunch and took a seat between George and Alex. Sensing the tension at the table, she asked, “What were you guys talking about?”

Cristina cut in before anyone could give a toned down version of the conversation. “Meredith’s having hot sex in the supply closet and we’re trying to figure out who she’s having it with.”

Izzie’s eyes darted to Meredith, who flushed the color of crimson. Meredith then smiled and looked down at her food. It took a moment but Alex and Cristina both shared a knowing look as they both came to the same conclusion.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” Cristina said, her mouth falling open just slightly, plainly displaying her absolute shock. Meredith didn’t say a word. “You are just unbelievable.” With that said, Cristina got up with her tray and left, shaking her head and trying to get this new development to make some sort of sense in her head.

“So it’s not just inappropriate men then.” Alex seemed less shocked and more turned on, which was both good and bad depending on how you looked at it. The corner of his mouth lifted in a cocky grin as he too rose and left, heading back to check on patients and see what else Addison had to throw at him.

Meredith and Izzie both stared at George who just looked very confused by the sudden exits. “Did I miss something? What’s going on?”

Both women tried very hard not to laugh but failed considerably, and didn’t even bother trying to cover up their giggles. He just watched them, frown deepening.


ship: ga: izzie/meredith, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, table: fanfic100

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