(no subject)

Aug 22, 2006 15:25

Title: Eliminating The 'Boy' in 'Boy Trouble'
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Character: Izzie. Izzie/Meredith.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,087
Prompt: #09 - Ice Cream for
Timeline: Early Season Two, sometime after 2.05.  
Progress: 4/25

Meredith had walked into the kitchen, a plastic grocery bag in her hand, without a word. Izzie just watched her, wondering why she had yet to say a word. Depositing the bag on the kitchen counter, she opened it, taking out its contents, and plopping two containers onto the table, one in front of Izzie and one next to her. The silverware drawer opened and closed with a bang and Meredith sat down, handing Izzie a spoon. Izzie gave her a confused look, to which Meredith replied, “Ice cream fixes everything.”

Izzie nodded, taking the top off hers, sinking her spoon in and closing her eyes when she brought it up to her lips, savoring the cold creamy goodness. It wasn’t the cheap crap either. This was the sinfully delicious stuff that had to be Ben and Jerry’s. “Boy troubles?”

“Yes.” Meredith confirmed, her movements forceful, like every time she dug the spoon in she was actually digging it into someone’s flesh. Probably McDreamy’s. “I figured you would be able to sympathize.”

She really didn’t want to think about Alex right now. “Not that I’m complaining but don’t you usually fix these problems with tequila and other boys?” Izzie asked. Meredith had a lot of boy problems since they’d met but never had they ended in ice cream.

“I get to scrub in tomorrow. I can’t afford to be hung over.” Meredith sounded angry about it too, although Izzie had to wonder if she wasn’t the least bit tipsy. She sure acted like it. When Meredith got drunk she could never quite hide it.

“Are you sure you didn’t make a pit stop at Joe’s already?” Meredith glared at her as Izzie said it, shoving another spoonful into her mouth as she did so. This time some of the ice cream missed her mouth and hit the tip of her nose. Izzie giggled, “You’ve got ice cream on your nose.” She reached over and wiped it off with a napkin.

Meredith twitched her nose, and Izzie smiled a second before Meredith leaned in and kissed her. It took Izzie a moment to register what was happening, but when she finally did she surprised herself by kissing Meredith back. The dirty blonde’s tongue was in her mouth, tasting her, and Meredith hand rested on Izzie’s thigh as she pulled back.

Izzie swallowed hard, her mouth hanging open a bit in shock. Then again she shouldn’t really be all that shocked because this was something completely crazy that only Meredith would do. And an obvious sign that, yes, Meredith, while not flat on the floor wasted, was not completely sober. It was just a kiss though, one that her friend probably wouldn’t even remember in the morning. Trouble was Meredith’s hand still hadn’t moved and Izzie wasn’t about to shrug it off anytime soon. In fact Meredith’s fingers had started moving down to her inner thigh, the sensations she felt even through her jeans making her shiver. Still she thought it was her responsibility to bring Meredith’s attention to exactly what was going on. Maybe jolt her back to reality. “Mer, what are you doing?”

“Just…having a little fun.” Meredith’s mouth is back on hers before she’s through the sentence, and she can feel Meredith pulling up on her shirt. She knows she shouldn’t be doing this, but she lifts her arms overhead and lets Meredith slide it off her body, breaking their kiss for only the time it took to remove the top. Meredith’s fingers slip down to remove Izzie’s bra, and tease her nipple, and it didn’t seem to occur to Meredith that they were still in the kitchen and there were windows in said kitchen. Plus George was upstairs and he could come down at any time.

When Meredith’s lips finally leave hers and her head dips down to kiss from Izzie’s collarbone to her breasts, Izzie thinks maybe she should try talking again. “Meredith this isn’t a good…” she stopped abruptly as Meredith cupped her through her jeans. It made her intentions go from putting a stop to this whole thing to moving it up to the bedroom. “Upstairs,” she manages to mumble.

As soon as they were through the door of Izzie’s bedroom, they picked up right where they left off. Meredith tossed her shirt aside and Izzie briefly wondered what George would think if he found her own lying on the floor of the kitchen. Probably that she and Alex had reconciled. Never something like this. The rest of their clothes follow pretty quickly as they both fell onto the bed.

Two of Meredith’s fingers found their way inside her, pumping hard and it was pretty obvious that Meredith’s done this before. She removed her fingers though and then her mouth was on Izzie’s clit, her tongue taking the place of her fingers. It wasn’t long after that Izzie was shuddering and coming and trying her best to not make a sound. Surprisingly, she succeeded in her efforts and as she lay there trying to catch her breath, Meredith kissed her gently on the lips.

That could’ve been the end of things but Izzie decided that she might as well finish what Meredith had started. This wasn’t exactly new to her anyway. She had experimented in med school, everybody did. And despite being a little rusty she was fairly sure she knew what she was doing. When Meredith moaned underneath her just as Izzie hit the right spot, her thoughts on the subject were reinforced.

They were both spent and she rolled off of Meredith and lay down next to her. She didn’t know what to do now. It was her bed so it wasn’t like she could just get up and leave. This had the potential to be awkward. Yet another reason not to sleep with your roommate. Then of course Meredith went and did something like curling up close to Izzie and the awkwardness sort of fell away. Because they did this normally anyway, it’s just George was usually in bed with them, and they hadn’t just had sex. That didn’t matter though, because she was comfortable and starting to feel sleepy and trying not to think of the melted ice cream downstairs and the shirt on the tile floor.

Izzie didn’t know what the morning after was going to feel like but right now, as of this moment, her eyes half open and her body enjoying the feeling of another warm body next to hers, she didn’t care very much.

table: 25_foods, ship: ga: izzie/meredith, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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