(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 17:01

Title: Reacquainted
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Character: Izzie. Izzie/Derek.
Rating: R
Word Count: 899
Prompt: #10 - Salad Dressing for
Timeline: Post 2.13 - Begin The Begin. Completely AU after that.  
Progress: 3/25

It was Izzie’s week to do the shopping, Armed with a list a page and a half in length, the scrawls a combination of hers, George’s, and Meredith’s, she walked into the local grocery store on a Thursday afternoon. With the new eighty hour a week limit being enforced she was booted from the hospital sometime after eight o’clock. She had free time and she had no idea what to do with it. Two hours of cleaning and organizing later, she had decided to get her shopping over with.

Given the time of day she wasn’t very surprised to find the place was mostly empty as far as customers went. She was glad for it because it meant not having to fight through the hordes of people one could normally find on a Saturday. The man stocking produce smiled at her, the typical polite gesture she normally received, but it wasn’t until she was making the decision between Italian and Caesar salad dressing that someone actually spoke to her.

“Doctor Stevens.” Derek Shepherd’s familiar voice greeted from behind her. “Enjoying your free time?”

“Isn’t everyone?” It wasn’t a question so much as a statement because she didn’t know exactly what to say here. Very rarely did she have a conversation with him that regarded something other than a patient. Plus she was supposed to still hate him out of loyalty to Meredith. “I didn’t know it affected the attendings.”

“It’s for all doctors, regardless of their rank.” She could swear he was closer than before. “That’s not why I’m here though. I’m still on call. I just don’t have any surgeries scheduled today and Addison hates grocery shopping.”

Izzie didn’t know what to say to that, so she just grabbed the Italian, and started down the aisle, throwing an “I’ll see you later Doctor Shepherd” over her shoulder. He might have said something to her after that but she was already out of earshot.

The next time she saw him was in the dairy aisle as she picked up skim milk. He caught the door of the refrigerator case as it was swinging shut, with a friendly smile on his face. Now he was starting to freak her out a little. Maybe it was just the awkwardness of consistently running into her boss that she was trying really hard to hate but noticing more and more how good looking he really was. She hadn’t really looked because he was always Meredith’s territory, in a way. He didn’t exactly merit hatred either. Save for what he did to Meredith, he’d always been nothing but nice and open to her.

Ten minutes later she hit the check out, loaded her bags into the car, and was returning the cart when she felt a hand clamp onto her shoulder, pulling her out of sight of the main entrance and towards the side of the brick building. For some reason Izzie didn’t even need to look to know who it was. Her back hit the wall at the same time as his lips captured hers with an intensity she didn’t expect out of him. Though her mind was screaming to push him away and evaluate just how wrong this was, her body didn’t dare.

When he broke the kiss, he held her there. He didn’t really need to, she wasn’t going anywhere. “Doctor Shepherd,” she mumbled trying to bring herself back to reality. Remind herself exactly who it was that had her pinned against the wall.

“Call me Derek.” He told her, before finding her lips once more, her mouth opening to him. His hands moved away from her arms to rove her body instead. Izzie had no idea why she was doing this, but then again she wasn’t thinking much other than how good he tasted, and how his body felt pressed up against hers. He was hard, she could feel him through his jeans, and something about making out in a public place had always turned her on, even if there were very few people around to watch. Which in retrospect was a good thing.

One of his hands cupped her ass, pushing her higher along the wall, and she couldn’t begin to think of what the bruises he left behind were going to look like. He was trailing kisses down her neck to her collarbone, and she was pulling him closer, moaning his name, and suddenly realizing just why Meredith had been so freaking loud when she was with him, when she felt it. Something vibrating. Something that definitely wasn’t him. He ignored it for the first few seconds before they both noticed that it wasn’t going to stop. When he pulled back she saw the pager clipped to the front of his jeans was responsible for the interruption.

He removed it, read the message on the display, and looked back at her. “They need me at work.” The tone in his voice was the same one he used at the hospital. Friendly but formal. Not the lustful, desperate tone he had just prior. There was absolutely no sign that his free hand had been inching up her shirt seconds ago. “Enjoy you’re time off Dr. Stevens.”

She watched in complete awe as he walked away, appearing unaffected while she just stood there, waiting for her breathing to even out, feeling more than a little flushed. McDreamy he definitely was.

table: 25_foods, ship: ga: derek/izzie, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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