(no subject)

Aug 09, 2006 15:44

Title: Baking As A Form Of Bonding
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Character: Izzie. George/Izzie friendship.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 724
Prompt: #16 - Cookie Dough for 
Timeline: Post 2.23 - Blues For Sister Someone. Shortly after George moves back in.
Progress: 1/25

When she heard the door open, and then close loudly, she figured it was Meredith. Earlier that day she had been in a bad mood, probably over something that had to do with McDreamy, and Izzie guessed her spirits hadn’t been lifted much since then. But when she heard footsteps trailing toward the kitchen, instead of the up the stairs, she realized it wasn’t Meredith. It was George. She’d almost forgotten he was back. He stepped into the kitchen with a smile, and she had to turn away from him to hide one of her own. She’d been doing that a lot since he’d come back, trying to pretend that she hadn’t missed him as much as she really had.

“Don’t you have a shift tomorrow?” He asked, shrugging off his coat, and placing it over a chair before perching himself on the counter, in the same spot he’d always occupied. It was on the side opposite of where she kept all her baking stuff, and therefore out of her way. It was a routine that they’d begun soon after moving in. She would bake, and he would try to help but eventually stumble over himself and his limited knowledge in this area, finally settling for just being there to keep her company. Now they just talked while she baked. Fewer things got broken or ruined that way.

“Yeah.” She scooped the last bit of cookie dough that would fit onto the cookie sheet in front of her, and put them in the oven. George was eyeing the half full mixing bowl, noting that it was going to be awhile before she was through. “Why?”

“It’s just it’s like one in the morning, and we both have to be up at four thirty.” He groaned when he said it, annoyed at the prospect of three and a half hours of sleep if he went to bed now. And he didn’t look like he was moving from his current position anytime soon.

“I’d been wanting to try a new recipe but, um,” she paused, looking down at the cooling racks laid out on the counter, so she didn’t have to meet his eyes, “Meredith hasn’t exactly been in the mood to play test subject.” In truth, she had never asked Meredith because it just didn’t feel right. Somewhere along the way they had separated into two groups. Meredith and Cristina. Her and George. It wasn’t official or anything but it was just generally known. Meredith and Cristina did their thing at Joe’s, and she and George more often than not stayed home. Of course that was before Meredith decided to break him but she liked to think that didn’t change things. Or that it didn’t happen at all.

“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing I’m here.” He said, and she looked back at him, nodding, even though that wasn’t the only reason she was glad he was back, it wasn’t like she was going to come right out and say it. At least not without some prompting. She turned her back to search for the platter she normally used to put cookies on after they were cooled, and it was mere seconds before he spoke again. “Tastes good to me.”

She spun around at that, realizing that he’s reverted to form and started stealing cookie dough again, her mouth forming what might have been considered a scowl before it dissolved and she laughed. It was infectious and soon he was laughing too. It felt good, to have things back the way they were. To be laughing over stupid stuff like stealing raw dough. “I’m glad you’re back, George.” She told him, when she finally got herself back under control, feeling brave. “I missed you. I missed this.”

“Yeah?” George looked down, as his laughter cut off somewhat abruptly. She hadn’t been especially specific but he still seemed to know exactly what she meant. “I did too.” He looked back up in time to see her give him another little smile and she bit her lip as the timer for a batch of cookies she’d put in earlier went off.

Neither of them went to bed that night, instead opting to stay in the kitchen, talking and catching up. And though they were both dead tired in the morning it was well worth it.

table: 25_foods, ship: ga: george/izzie, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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