(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 07:38

Title: Her Quiet Rebellion
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Kate Austen/Sun Kwon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 821
Prompt: #20 - Her
Progress: 17/100
Timeline: During "Pilot pt.2" when Sun goes to find Kate.

The middle-eastern man’s voice startles me, so when I look up at him, I know my eyes are wide and my face goes a few shades paler. That takes him off guard; he doesn’t seem to like someone fearing him. Yet his voice is persistent, and I know there’s no way I can just brush it off so I fake confusion and tell him something in Korean, seeing the disappointment wash over him. He moves on quickly and the blonde woman shakes her head.

“If that’s the bossy brunette chick then no, I haven’t seen Kate.”

He tries to hide his frustration but I see it clearly. Some people just don’t hide their feelings well.

Something bubbles in my chest and I recognize it as anger. Anger at not being able to help. The others fumble with heavy pieces of metal while trying to avert their eyes from the bodies. They need more hands to assist with the burden. Most are still in shock from the crash. All are scared. There isn’t a moment that someone’s eyes aren’t glancing up at the sea, at the sky, hoping they’ll be the first to spot a rescue plane or a passing ship. Waiting to go home. And I could help.

Jin moves in the corner of my eye, reminding me of my limitations. I grimace and grind my back teeth, hoping he doesn’t notice. My feet are stretching and pulling me upright before I can fully think it through. Before the beginnings of a sneer that I can already recognize on Jin’s face can form fully, I force out some excuse about going to the bathroom. I shift uneasily under his gaze, both from not wanting to give away any sign of my lie and from the fact that I’m actually asking someone for permission to go to the bathroom. He deliberates for a moment, and for a second I think he’s going to say no, but he nods curtly and tells me to make it quick. Like by spending a time outside of his purview I might get infected by their freethinking and rebel. Just by having these thoughts I’ve done just that.

One step beyond the jungle I can already see her. Her arms cross her stomach and tug at the hem of her tank top, slipping it over her head. She dips it in the water once, I assume in an attempt to wash out the dirt stains. She came back from the hike with those two men very muddy, and I fleetingly wonder what actually happened out in the forest when they found the other part of the plane. Her movements are slow, almost pained, as she sweeps up her brown wet waves of hair into a bun. In a moment I realize, sinkingly, that I’ve come all this way and can say nothing to her. I can’t let any one here know my secret. But I call out to her anyway, hoping that somehow I can direct her to my meaning. Her hair sways as her head whips around at the sound of my voice. When her eyes meet mine I gasp: her gaze is so intense, so heavy. But I bite lightly on my tongue and tell her that someone is looking for her, pointing towards the beach. Her eyes narrow in confusion, so I repeat it and gesture more emphatically, hoping by sheer will I can get the point across. She nods and I know it means she understands, at least partially. I find my lips stretching into a smile, a gesture of friendship, sensing a connection between us. For the first time I notice that she’s almost completely naked, so I turn, then glance back yearningly. I can’t even leave the top button of my sweater undone without Jin ordering me to button it and she is stripped down in the ocean where anyone can see her. I know this is jealousy that I feel.

“We’re going to be friends” I almost whisper, but I turn the words to movement and walk away. She doesn’t notice me as she slips her arms into the orange T-shirt or as she hangs the tank-top on a branch to dry, but I do linger, if only for a moment.

Jin is angry when I return. Says I’ve been gone too long and tries to pass it off as concern. Once his back is turned I think of the how sneaking away from him felt, and how this rebellion wasn’t quite the first and I know definitely won’t be the last. So I take a page from the unnamed woman’s book and my fingers go for the top button, the breeze hitting the newly exposed skin. Because I know that one day, despite all the odds, despite all the secrets I carry, one day, I’ll learn her name, she’ll learn mine and we’ll be friends, if not something more


table: slash_100, fandom: lost, !fic, ship: lost: kate/sun

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