march madness

Mar 05, 2011 15:30

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crickets March 5 2011, 20:37:37 UTC
Choosing between Buffy and Starbuck is like choosing between my own children pets. Also, Tami Taylor versus Caroline Forbes is no easy task.


slybrunette March 5 2011, 20:38:54 UTC
Dude, Kara wins for me every time (did not like Buffy at all -- as in the character -- don't hit me). Although I have a feeling Buffy is going to take this so.

Hard matchups all over the place.


crickets March 5 2011, 20:41:46 UTC
Aw, Buffy is my girl. And so is Kara. I think my top four in this are Veronica Mars, Buffy Summers, Kara Thrace, and Caroline Forbes. I would totally include Tami in this too but at the end of the days, the other four definitely rank above her just SLIGHTLY. And all five of them are blond, lol. Which... I don't know why that is significant -- no, it's just coincidental. But still, lol. Blondes have more fun? IDK.

ETA: Also, Pacey Witter.

I don't know where the polls are right now, but I still have to DECIDE who I am voting for is some categories. I mostly just voted because I wanted to see the results on the page. I definitely am undecided on so many of these.

I voted for Dan, btw.


slybrunette March 5 2011, 20:44:52 UTC
If nothing else, we do have Kara in common. Though, honestly, blondes have never been my thing. I tend to go for the brunettes, although I'm pretty sure neither of us are picking for hair color. At least I hope not lol.

I voted for Dan, btw.

And you are my new favorite!


crickets March 5 2011, 20:53:44 UTC
Well, Juliet, Britta and Sarah are blondes! Haha.

Definitely not voting for hair color, lol. I think in a general sense I usually err on the side of brunette when I'm first watching something. I'm always suspicious of the blondes when I first "meet" the characters. Hahah. Maybe that is because I'm a brunette? I have actually never thought this much about the hair color of characters this much before. I definitely prefer brown-haired leading men, although there are fewer blond male leads in general. (Or maybe that is just my perception? That would be an interesting study, to actually compute the numbers and see which is higher.)


slybrunette March 5 2011, 20:57:50 UTC
Haha, I voted against Juliet. And Sarah, while I like her, isn't a favorite (and currently on my shit list so). You have my number on Britta though /shameless stan.

I am rarely attracted to blonde men. Like...Devon on Chuck. And Neil Patrick Harris. And...that's it? They generally do nothing for me. I don't know. This really does need to be a study. We should look at all the male leads on all five networks. Plus cable. There could be graphs.


crickets March 6 2011, 02:26:39 UTC
I hope you're making those graphs.


slybrunette March 6 2011, 02:33:55 UTC
I just might.


crickets March 6 2011, 02:40:48 UTC
It may be pointless though. You'd have to include "blond-ish" in order to make it even worth it lol.


slybrunette March 6 2011, 02:41:43 UTC
Well it's not exactly a scientific study but eh.


crickets March 6 2011, 02:44:07 UTC
Also not scientific.

I ended up voting for Kara because Buffy was already winning by like twice the amount of votes. Haha. that's like cheating isn't it?


slybrunette March 6 2011, 02:45:46 UTC
Half of the people I voted for are going to lose. To hell with strategy and rules and all that jazz,


rorylie March 5 2011, 21:01:18 UTC
Though, honestly, blondes have never been my thing.

Because we're the same person!


slybrunette March 5 2011, 21:04:03 UTC
Duh, lol.


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