fic: burn the straw house down {burke/cristina}

Mar 03, 2011 16:06

Title: Burn The Straw House Down
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Burke/Cristina
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 500
Author's Note: For the Grey's Anatomy comment ficathon and nursebadass. Angstville. Original post here.
Summary: They can go ten rounds or she can stand by the door, arms crossed and indifference on her face, but it all ends the same.

it's only the tenses that keep changing )

character: ga: cristina, challenge: ga_fanfic comment ficathon, ship: ga: burke/cristina, character: ga: burke, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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rorylie March 3 2011, 22:10:53 UTC
Man, I really liked this.

And I don't even ship them. Any more. Though I still have the appropriate (or not) icons.


slybrunette March 3 2011, 22:13:24 UTC
I find it amusing that you still have icons and yet I don't.

I'm glad you liked it hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


rorylie March 3 2011, 22:17:04 UTC
I have a really hard time giving up icons I really love even once they aren't my thing any more.

Shocking to hear, I'm sure, but I sometimes get overly attached to things.


slybrunette March 3 2011, 22:34:52 UTC
You and me both. I only just got rid of my old S5 M/L icon from when I used to ship that, lol. Oh how times have changed.


nursebadass March 3 2011, 22:45:25 UTC
I think I need to make you a Burke/Cristina icon. Surely you can spare space for one.


slybrunette March 3 2011, 23:04:12 UTC
LOL. I've got like 260 icon spaces so, yeah, one would hope.


nursebadass March 3 2011, 23:05:13 UTC
Holy crap. Well, if the mood ever strikes you, you give me a scene or a screencap you like (I can find caps from scenes) and I will make you one.


slybrunette March 3 2011, 23:06:07 UTC
Awesome :)


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