pointlessly wordy fic related update

Jan 29, 2011 17:55

I've been a porn battle slacker -- behind on both reading and writing. My two contributions so far have been this ship won't sail (Off The Map, Tommy/Mina -- yes, I don't know where that came from either) and you must be a masochist (Weeds, Andy/Nancy). New fandoms ahoy! With any luck, the crossover I have half finished (TBBT/Chuck, Devon/Penny) will be done tonight as well.

Also, I'm not relocating there or anything but my fic is slowly being archived over at AO3, so if that's your thing, some of my stuff is here now too.

Finally, a meme that I remember vaguely seeing around a while back but can't quite find a link to.

List ten twenty of your fandoms and post them here for everyone to guess your favorite character from each. Strike the show out when someone guesses correctly, and put the answer and who guessed it.

1. Grey's Anatomy guessed by gigglemonster: Alex
2. Weeds guessed by gigglemonster: Andy
3. The West Wing guessed by openended: Toby
4. Battlestar Galactica guessed by akzseinga: Kara
5. Dead Like Me guessed by gigglemonster: George
6. The Big Bang Theory guessed by akzseinga: Sheldon
7. How I Met Your Mother guessed by gigglemonster: Robin
8. Dexter guessed by gigglemonster: Deb
9. Sports Night guessed by gigglemonster: Dan
10. True Blood guessed by leobrat: Pam
11. The Pacific
12. Band Of Brothers
13. Generation Kill guessed by bebitched: Ray
14. NCIS guessed by gigglemonster: Ziva
15. Oz guessed by bebitched: Ryan
16. Chuck guessed by gigglemonster: Morgan
17. Community guessed by gigglemonster: Britta
18. Bones guessed by bebitched: Sweets
19. Arrested Development guessed by gigglemonster: Lindsay (tied with Lucille)
20. The Good Wife guessed by hesperia: Will (tied with Kalinda)

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