Title: The Skeleton That Left The Closet
Fandom: Chuck
Characters/Pairings: Sarah | Casey/Sarah.
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,894
Author's Note: For
gigglemonster. No idea what happened here.
Summary: Future fic. Amsterdam reads like an exercise in tempting fate. They up the ante surprisingly fast for people who were once so preoccupied with control and carefully
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Honestly, if this didn't have a mission this story wouldn't exist. It couldn't. Plus my point here is, hi, they are spies, that is their life. Spy!Sarah is my Sarah not...whatever S4 Sarah is. So, yeah, as full of holes as my plots probably are in places (seriously, I made this shit up as I went along -- the ending happened five minutes before I posted, idk), I like having something that grounds them in this world.
It's funny, my first thought with every one of these fics is 'okay, how do i get rid of Chuck this time?'. Because I always do in these future-fic/AU things, but I don't want to, like, shit all over him. Chuck's a good guy. He's a good character. He shouldn't be shit on and I have absolutely no respect for people who do bash characters just to further their pairing, especially if said character does nothing to deserve it. We've probably had this conversation, but still. This also clearly applies to TBBT, as you've noted, because I actually like Leonard when he's not schtupping Penny and I got a little irritated when people started, you know, pushing him down the stairs in fic (figuratively AND literally).
Wow that was long winded. ANYWAYS. I'm so, so glad that you liked this and continue to stick by my insanity and, you know, make pretty things to inspire me (so what if that's not the goal, I can pretend right? haha). You are my favorite enabler.
tl;dr: THANK YOU SO MUCH :)))))
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