chuck 1x01 picspam: casey(+/)sarah

Dec 03, 2010 18:58

I re-watched the Chuck pilot this afternoon. So this happened.

the beginning of a beautiful love/hate relationship )

picspam, ship: chuck: casey/sarah

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Comments 17

myr_soleil December 4 2010, 00:06:00 UTC
AHHH THE PILOT IS MY FAVORITE SARAH/CASEY EPISODE. They hate each other so much! They are so pretty, all violent and everything. Thanks for doing this, it's beautiful.


slybrunette December 4 2010, 00:26:04 UTC
It's one of my favorites as well, simply because the amount of screentime they have. And yeah, one of the prettiest episodes of the series IMO.

Thanks hun!


lexiesloan December 4 2010, 00:34:59 UTC
I have to admit, that Casey/Sarah icon you used for this post is my favorite of all of your icons. I watched this show when it first came on because I am obsessed with Firefly/Jayne/Adam Baldwin and I remember thinking the pilot of Chuck was just so perfect and amazing. I thought this show was going to be wonderful.


slybrunette December 4 2010, 00:37:10 UTC
It's my favorite icon as well. gigglemonster makes phenomenal Chuck icons. And it's funny that you started watching for Adam Baldwin -- that was a major factor for me too.

I never did ask you, I don't think, but what made you stop watching? I've always been curious.


lexiesloan December 4 2010, 01:34:37 UTC
I watched the show until the writer's strike happened and then I lost track of so many shows during that time. And then, I actually don't have a DVR so I have to pick and choose my shows carefully and on Mondays, they showed HIMYM and BBT at the same time and I just kept forgetting to catch up on Chuck after that. Wow, this is a really long explanation - sorry about that lol And then, I keep reading your comments about the show and honestly, I don't want to watch the Chuck/Sarah love story.


slybrunette December 4 2010, 01:53:02 UTC
Oh Writer's Strike. Those were some unhappy times. I know what you mean about not having a DVR -- that was me until June, so I just ended up downloading everything and, yeah, hard drive space disappeared like crazy. Don't apologize for explanations; I like hearing your thoughts.

Yeah, the Chuck/Sarah love story...I'm trying to forget it exists, haha.


gigglemonster December 4 2010, 01:41:41 UTC


slybrunette December 4 2010, 01:55:01 UTC
Aw ♥

I swear, this is my number #1 ship right now. I'm scary obsessed and I had it in my head to do some picspam of them from the whole series so far before I was like, hey, hold your horses. Anyways, thank you :) Your comment kind of made my day over here.


dulcedeusex December 6 2010, 11:43:35 UTC
How much love do I have for the pilot? That's the episode when they duke it out at the Weinerlicious right? That's my fave Casey/Sarah interaction and probably my top scene from the entire show.

Ummm... more picspams pretty please?



slybrunette December 6 2010, 20:07:08 UTC
The fight scene in the Wienerlicious is actually the episode after this (which I just capped and am totally picspamming along with the rest of season one and a later date, so, yes, more picspams haha).


dulcedeusex December 8 2010, 09:26:15 UTC
Hooray for more picspams! *does happy dance*

I seriously don't know how you can continue to watch the show when they just make it all about the epic romance of Nerd meets Spy. Makes my skin itch.

I've got the rest of Season 3 and I just can't bring myself to watch it.


slybrunette December 11 2010, 04:09:21 UTC
Because I then spend a lot of time bitching and fixing canon in my head. The thing here is that I refuse to write for something I'm not actively watching. Therefore, not watching = no more fic :/

I actually quite liked parts/most of Season 3.


random gigglemonster December 6 2010, 23:18:18 UTC

... )


Re: random myr_soleil December 6 2010, 23:23:20 UTC
This is the greatest gif that's ever giffed.
Why yes, I am tracking comments for this post to check if there are Casey/Sarah shippers I don't know yet! I just couldn't stay silent.


Re: random gigglemonster December 6 2010, 23:42:26 UTC
Haha why thank you!
And it is a pleasure to meet a fellow Casey/Sarah shipper :)


Re: random slybrunette December 6 2010, 23:32:44 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

That's totally one of my fave GIFs ever. I capped that ep for my picspam and zomg that scene makes my heart do funny things.

I gotta do fic for that.


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