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slybrunette October 19 2010, 02:42:46 UTC
Wow, I suck. I was sure I'd replied to this loveliness before.

Um. THANK YOU. Seriously, this feedback killed me. I think this fic broke my brain a little because it was so long (for me), so hearing such wonderful things from people who's writing is so beyond kickass is such a joy and a relief.

He doesn't understand, and I liked how you made that a natural consequence of their being at different stages.

This was exactly what I was trying to convey. I think a few people round these parts assume that my distaste for Mark/Lexie comes from the part of me that ships the hell out of Alex/Lexie. And that's just not it. It's that it doesn't, at this point in their lives, really work. Granted that's just my opinion but the point is that it doesn't come from some place irrationally hateful like I feel like people believe it does. Sometimes people just can't it together and I really believe that Mark and Lexie are those people right now.

That ending just...came out, btw. No planning on my part so I guess I should be glad that it worked? IDK. I'm just glad it worked for you.

And as for Jackson, that was my first time ever writing him and, though I really wanted to do more with him here, it was kind of impossible to within the context of this particular fic. So it's good to know that I wasn't writing him completely OOC because I definitely want to work with him in the future.

Anyways, thank you again for the kind words. I appreciate it more than you know :)


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