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slybrunette October 15 2010, 21:37:19 UTC
Oh no, I didn't think you meant it like that. I just mean...don't sell yourself short ;) But you're right, you read through things enough and you start to almost hate it. Or at least I do.

I agree, A/C could never be a healthy relationship. There is too much wrong with them individually. Plus, like you said then it would've been the 'how Alex/Cristina get together story' which was so not what I was after. There's a reason this is Alex centric according to the subject line.

I feel like, on the show at the moment, they're starting to lose it.

They've always been really bad with being consistent on a friendship aspect. Meredith/Cristina is really the only thing that they really remember to follow through with, so I'm used to Alex breaking off a little bit. A lot of my fixation with Alex+Meredith and, to a lesser degree, Alex+Cristina, is due to my own invention. But I know what you're saying -- they really are sacrificing a lot by trying to make the new fab five work (which I will never buy but whatever, I don't like change or replacements).


Canon's totally fucked it but, unlike what I let it do to my epic A/I fic last Christmas hiatus (no one's seen it, don't think you're missing anything), I don't care.

don't you love it when characters do that

Usually? No. Because then I get distracted and my story goes haywire. Here? I didn't mind. He's more of a background character here, so he couldn't really do much to throw things off.

I feel JC could use some of this ability with the GA writers

Amen, dude. Seriously.

Also, have you heard the Justin Beiber spoiler?

Explain. Please. Or if it's too horrible, just send a hitman.


waltzmatildah October 16 2010, 09:42:33 UTC
Explain. Please. Or if it's too horrible, just send a hitman.

It's something along the lines of...

Alex channels his inner Justin Bieber for a paediatric patient who develops a crush on him.

THIS. Just. I don't KNOWWWW! Haha. What the hell? I mean, I don't know much about JB, except that he sings songs that 12 year olds have heart attacks over and is Canadian? Yes? Do you think JC is gonna sing???? Hmmm. I think I'll reserve judgement...

I'm kinda mortified by the idea that Alex even HAS an inner Justin Bieber TO channel!!! Just, NO! At least, not the Alex that I know and love!


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