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slybrunette October 14 2010, 01:56:59 UTC
I kept rooting for Alex/Cristina, haha, but I know it's Alex/Lexie

This fic comes in three different flavors (aka, three different drafts), one he ends up with Lexie, one he ends up with Cristina (i'm not joking), and one he ends up with no one (which, honestly, is what this is). I scrapped the first two simply because I couldn't get either of them to work without feeling even more forced than it already did (you ever get to the end of something and just cant' finish? Because that was me all morning.). So, it was set up, at one point, to go the way of Alex/Cristina...it just didn't.

how Mark didn't understand Lexie

I think I got a little preachy there, in that one section, but I was half asleep -- hadn't really been to bed yet -- and got an idea and, there I sat, four in the morning, jotting it down in my little notebook. That's the unedited version of it, believe it or not. Which you probably do, because it's probably preachy, haha.

But, seriously, I can't thank you enough for the rest of this comment. This really has a lot of my heart and soul in it, in a way that a lot of my shorter fics don't so much, so it means three times as much as usual. Thank you so much; I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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