the beast within the burden is all mine {chuck - sarah}

Aug 31, 2010 17:08

Title: The Beast Within The Burden Is All Mine
Fandom: Chuck
Characters/Pairings: Sarah. Very light Chuck/Sarah; mostly gen.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,114
Author's Note: This isn't chronological. I know; I'm sorry.
Summary: Season 2. AU. When this is all over she’s left with four white walls, the scrape of her chair, metal against linoleum, and ( Read more... )

character: chuck: casey, character: chuck: sarah, character: chuck: chuck, fandom: chuck, !fic

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dulcedeusex September 3 2010, 14:47:29 UTC
Best thing ever! Ambling on over here and finding so much fic activity!! Dude I so need a Sarah/Casey icon!

Okay, first off you constantly amaze me with your "no-one fic sounding the same"-awesomeness! Secondly? This was really poignant and had its healthy helping of dark but very good

She folds her hands on the table, fingertips six inches from a thick manila folder. “You’ll have to be more specific.”

(They hit her with the butt of a gun; she chooses laughter over tears.)

- I love tough and a little crazy spy Sarah. She's awesome. And I love the double-entendres of her response.

“You’re on thin ice, Walker,” Casey chides; the brush of leather against her bare arm serves as a reminder that it isn’t with him.

-- As you are well aware of, I'm a sucker for the Casey so I loved this.

Twelve hours later, Casey’s behind the wheel, she’s a brunette, and Chuck’s shell-shocked in the backseat.

The state of Arizona welcomes them.


He shakes his head. “It also has a good chance of sticking me with Bartowski.”
She smiles, faintly. She thinks he might miss her, if this is goodbye; she thinks she might miss him too.
The ability to vocalize that sentiment isn’t something they’re well-equipped to do.
“It won’t come to that.”

-- DUDE! Your next fic better be entitled 'Unbreak My Heart' or something, because here? MY.HEART.IS.BROKEN!


slybrunette September 4 2010, 03:26:27 UTC
Yeah, I don't know what's up this week but I've been writing a lot more than usual. Must be something in the water.

you constantly amaze me with your "no-one fic sounding the same"-awesomeness

Really? Half of the time I feel like I'm writing the same thing over and over again, at least tone/style wise. So that's a very good thing to hear.

Your next fic better be entitled 'Unbreak My Heart' or something

Haha, yeah, sadly no. I do have titles for two other C/S fics though, which is half the battle, at least for me (I spend around forty-five minutes trying to title things these days -- it's pathetic).

I'm so glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


dulcedeusex September 7 2010, 10:17:00 UTC
(I spend around forty-five minutes trying to title things these days -- it's pathetic).

Forty-five minutes on a title is a perfectly respectable time to spend on this very important job! On a good day I can spend the whole bleeding day trying to think up an appropriate title. Kinda reminds me of the writer who ate his book in one GA episode!

Your tone is...similar... sometimes... not really actually. There's always angst and insightfulness if that's what you mean? Whatever girl, your writing rocks, s'all that matters.

xx Dulce


slybrunette September 7 2010, 21:06:29 UTC
I think if I spent a whole day I'd go insane. I have a fairly short attention span. But, yeah, I can always sympathize with that patient lol.

Yeah, there's always angst. I used to do more humor, though I've been backing off from that a little bit for some reason. I think it's a matter of fandoms/pairings that's causing that. And thanks hun :)


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